Friday, August 17, 2012

Jam Verses Jelly - Who Knew?

A bit of a random post today. Like many moms, I find myself making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on a regular basis. Just recently some other moms and I were talking via Facebook about the extreme stress and agony we face when our jelly won’t spread smoothly and evenly. Yes. For some of us, it is that big of a deal. The bread tears or smashes, the jelly is super clumpy in one area and thin in another and before ya know it, a simple sandwich has become a slight enemy.

Just the other day, while making my line up of PB&J’s for my littles, I noticed that my jelly had spread just beautifully over the bread. Dumbfounded, I grabbed the jar to see if I had missed some “New and Improved Spreadable Grape Heather-Friendly Jelly” label or something. Nope. I grabbed the other jar of jelly out of the fridge, did a quick comparison and there was that one little difference under the words Concord Grape…one said Jelly and one said Jam. Apparently we accidently bought the Jam and that made all the difference!


I’m sure that to many of you this is silly and you’ve known the jelly verses jam thing for ages. After posting my discovery on Facebook, I was surprised to see the number of people who, like me, had NO idea. Hopefully someone reading will benefit from this and be on their way to easier spreading days like myself!

Until next time :)


  1. We always buy jam for that very reason...don't remember how we found out about it but am glad we did. Toast to the perfectly made pb&j!

  2. Totally! I made the discovery like you did ... accidentally bought jam one time. Have never looked back! :)

  3. Same here, it was an accident, but one I kept repeating! I may again when my grandchildren are old enough to eat pb&j!

  4. not going to lie, ive always thought jam was jelly. i didnt know there were two seperate products haha!

  5. I remember thinking to myself this morning when I made pb&j that it spread easy. Now I've got to get up and see if it's jam that's in the fridge.

  6. Wow thanks for the tip!

  7. I like putting preserves on a peanut butter sandwich. It spreads easy and it has chunks of fruit in it! mmm strawberry
