Thursday, September 6, 2012

32 Weeks–Sweet #5!

32 Weeks and 2 days to be exact ;) Feeling good and can’t believe we’re just a couple of months from seeing our new little baby boy…who still has no name, by the way. I’m still feeling good and going strong. The PB&J cravings are back and insomnia is sneaking it’s way back into my night life but no complaints from this mama! Baby boy is still more active than I could have ever imagined a baby being. All day and all night kick kick kick, roll roll roll. I’ve had people LITERALLY sit across a room watching him go at it in my belly. Either I’m growing a little version of the Incredible Hulk or the poor quads literally had ZERO room to move when in utero and stretched me out plenty so this lil’ guy does – I think it’s a little of both!

I had my 32 week appointment today and my doc continues to be happy with my progress. Based on the “feel” of my belly, Dr. Leveno is guessing the baby is head down and weighing somewhere in the area of 4 1/2lbs. How he knows, I have not a clue, but I trust he knows a thing or two more than myself :) Lot’s of people have asked a) if the quads were c-section and b) if so, does that mean this baby will also be born via cesarean. Yes, the quads were c-section (could you even imagine?!) and to many people’s surprise, NO, that doesn’t mean that this baby will have to be taken the same way. My doc feels confident we could go either way but the size of the baby (we’ll find out at 36w) will have an impact. Honestly, I’m open either way, VBAC or cesarean, just praying if we do go with surgery, my recovery is WAY better than the last time.

32 Weeks!

2012-09-06 11.29.29

We’ll keep ya posted! In the meantime, if you could send up a prayer for the littles and myself, we’re all a little under the weather. Hoping it passes quickly!


  1. Congrats on making it to 32 weeks and still going strong! We will say prayers for you and the littles to get well SOON! And also for the best option for your delivery :)
    PS you look AMAZING!

  2. you look great! happy 32 weeks! I'm 20 weeks with #3 but getting a little anxious now that it's less than 2 months until I get to the point where I had to delivery the twins, but hopefully this baby stays cozy for a long long time! :) My dr also said size of the baby will play a huge part in whether or not I can have a VBAC, and position and if the baby is preterm and blah blah blah. We'll see, like you, I don't really care either way, just so everyone is healthy :) my recovery from my csection with the twins was a breeze so hopefully if you have a csection again, you get that kind of recovery ;)

  3. Oh i just love this!!! you are in my prayers girl!!! ♥ Chaning
