Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blade Thomas...

Welcome to the world sweet baby. You are two days old now and I am falling more deeply in love with you as each minute passes. I could sit and stare at you all day. Your sweet lips, your little rolls and calm presence are more than I could have imagined. I look forward to loving you and getting to know you even more, seeing you bond with your big brothers and sisters and watching you adore your Daddy just like they do.
I thank God for you, every last ounce of you and your perfect health. Watching you lay beside me, curled up so contently and breathing beautifully on your own is all I care about at this moment. There's no doubt in my mind you were made just for me and your Daddy. Please, always know you are so loved, you are special, you are wanted, adored more than words could express and you have absolutely stolen my heart. I am so blessed to be the Mama of such a precious boy.
I love you, sweet baby. Love, Mommy


  1. What a sweet pumpkin he is! Congrats to your family and look forward to seeing the quads reaction to seeing/holding him!!

  2. New blog name...The Cox Quads +one? What a sweet boy!

  3. Welcome to the family little Blade Thomas! We are so happy that you are here! We look forward to watching you grow and see what the Lord has in store for your precious life. Love you so much! Aunt Beth/AKA Sis
