Thursday, October 25, 2012

Delivery Day!

Well, today is the day. The day we finally meet our sweet baby boy. As thankful as I am to have made it full term (39w2d to be exact) I’m assuming it’s normal to have the weee little fear until you know your baby is healthy. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for a smooth delivery and healthy, fat baby!

Eviction is scheduled for 12noon and we will likely update sometime this  afternoon!

Thanks, Bret & Heather


  1. So excited too! We'll be there praying and anxiously waiting for the precious little blessing! Love, Sis (AKA Aunt Beth)

  2. Just discovered your blog today and discovered that you are actually having your 5th today! wow, congrats. prayed for you for a great delivery and healing afterward. also praying for a smooth transition into the family unit (especially with the quads). blessings to you!

  3. Good Luck!! I am thinking of you today!

  4. Woohoo! Prayers your way!! Can't wait for an update!

  5. Congratulations. I know the kids will just love their new baby.

  6. Finally the day came, congratulations!
    I can't wait to see him :)

  7. Hope everything went smoothly, and that you are now holding a healthy full term bundle of sweetness!

  8. Congratulations on your new little son -I cannot wait to see a picture of him as I am sure he will be cute as your quads are adorable

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Good luck and congratulations! How exciting!

    -Holly in California
