Friday, November 16, 2012

Blade’s Homecoming!

Forgive me for just posting Blade’s coming home pics. We’ve spent the last week with the flu & strep and life has been nothing short of crazy. Vomiting, diarrhea, high fevers, breathing treatments…you name it, it has made it’s way through our house since Blade came home. Great timing, ehh? Needless to say I was TERRIFIED he would catch something but thanks to lysol, frequent hands-cracked-and-bleeding-hand-washing & separation from his siblings, he escaped it!

Blade has been home for (almost) 2 weeks now which is hard to believe. The morning we were discharged Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin came to the hospital so, once again, we could leave as a family. Bret went down to help unload the quads while Blade and I spent some last nice quiet moments in our sweet suite just the two of us. The reality of what life was about to be hit me when I heard the sounds of 8 little feet and 4 little voices running down the hospital hall towards our room. Deep breath…..5 kids all under the age of 4…are you ready for this, Heather?! Cause ready or not, here they come…


Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin were super excited to be there and to finally take Blade home. They all “helped” get him set and ready to walk out the door…


Below, Blade’s “going home” shoes that I couldn’t even begin to get his foot in… BIG BOY!


I did however manage to squeeze him into a newborn outfit. Needless to say this one (along with most of his newborn clothing) has been packed up already and ready to be given to a new, smaller baby!


Brody in love with his new lil bro!


Love this view as I was being wheeled out…


Korbin, Kylee, Dr. Leveno with Blade, Brody & Miss B. Again, seems just like yesterday Dr. Leveno sat holding all of the quads in his arms after discharge. As soon as he saw Dr. Leveno, Brody immediately told him “We need a girl!” as if placing an order! He continues DAILY to say “My need to tell Dr. Leno thank you for taking baby Blade out you tummy” sweet boy!


It seems just like yesterday we stood in this same spot taking pictures as we brought each of the quads home. Never imagined we would be there again one day, with the quads, welcoming home a new baby…


My sweet five <3


The quads helped us welcome Mr. Blade home before Nana & Aunt Beth took them off of our hands for another 2 days. Bret returned to work the next day and I got to spend additional 1 on 1 time with my new baby. Thank you again, Mom & Sis, for taking them. You’ll never know what it meant to get those special moments alone with my baby.


Brody & Blade


Blade with Dr. Reyes at his first pediatrician’s appointment…his only doctor – crazy! The quads left NICU with a list of doctors and we’ve continued to add some along the way due to prematurity issues. So crazy being discharged and only having the pediatrician to visit! We returned this past week for his 2 week visit and Blade had already hit 11lbs and has grown an inch since birth – SLOW DOWN sweet baby!!!!

2012-10-30 14.48.25

My heart was literally racing when Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin came home that Wednesday. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly terrified at the thought of having all 5 home, together all under my care. Sure I have four, what’s one more? It wasn’t going from 4 to 5 I was worried about as much as combining two different sets of needs and schedules together. To my surprise it’s been a much easier transition than I anticipated. Of course we could have done without all the sickness but overall it hasn’t been bad at all. The quads have zero jealousy issues that I hear many siblings deal with when having a new baby and Blade is a very good baby, which makes things easy as well! It’s just been a few weeks now but I can only hope things continue to go so smoothly!


  1. Beautiful family. I am in awe of you!

  2. Sweet post! Welcome home Blade!!!! We love you!!

    Aunt Beth/AKA Sis

  3. Congratulations Heather and Bret, he is just precious, as they all are! I guess October is the month for big baby boys! My daughter had her precious baby boy on October 30, they thought he was going to be around 9 lbs 9 oz and he got here weighing 8 lbs 7 oz! He weight 8 lbs 10 oz at his 2 week check up! I know life if busy around your house, but just enjoy it all you can, before you know it they will all be grown! I can remember my MIL telling me I had my kids too involved and I was run ragged, but I just kept saying yes but one of these days they will be all grown...and here we are! I love this chapter of my life with grandchildren, thank you for sharing your stories, I really feel like I know you'll I have been following along for so long. Keep up the good work and congratulations again!

  4. Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! What a wonderful family! Our last baby was 10 lbs 4 oz, which was a shock after the triplets were a combined wt of 7 1/2 lbs! I have to say we had much less sib rivalry this last time than we previously did with our singletons, and I really think it was because the trips are so engaged with each other that the baby was barely a blip on their radar! Congrats again, and hope the transition goes very smoothly for all of you!
