Sunday, November 25, 2012

“The Christmas Farm”

We loaded up and headed to a local Christmas Tree Farm…or “The Christmas Farm” as Brody called it. This was our first year to get a real tree and we went all out by picking it out and cutting it down ourselves! It was so much fun and I’m hoping it will be a new annual tradition. Chris & Bethany went along with us for the fun and to help with quad control. The weather was perfect and luckily everyone else in Texas was Black Friday shopping leaving the farm pretty empty and giving us plenty of selection for our tree!

We parked and took a hayride out to the back field where all the trees were. Mr. Korbin enjoying the ride!


Brody , Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin ran and played while Daddy & Uncle Chris were on the search for the perfect tree. Below, Korbin & Baxlyn. These two are INSEPARABLE lately…an ever growing bond these two have I tell ya!


Bethany & Brody. The boys are a bit hard to tell apart when they’re all bundled up and just their little faces are showing…


Sweet “Stisters” as Kylee would call them. Ugh, love love love these lil’ skinny girls so much!


Kylee on a mission. There were hundreds of trees to choose from, Daddy insisted on finding the tallest they had…


We finally found the one to take home! It was a 9 foot tall beauty calling our names. L-R Korbin, B, Kylee & Broman


Let the fun begin!! Daddy let each of them get down and help cut down the tree, they LOVED it! Korbin was bummed he forgot his own saw…next year little Buddy, next year.


I love this picture. All of them, so serious at work!


IMG_4949IMG_4935Little Blade (who has made nearly a 100% recovery!) was able to come along as well. Not sure he knew we left the house, but he was there Winking smile



After finding our tree we stayed a while and played, enjoyed hot cocoa and browsed through the gift shop. The babies…ahem….big kids could have stayed all day! If you haven’t ever taken your kiddos to cut a tree, I highly recommend finding a tree farm near you and doing it. It totally beats the boring trip to Home Depot to buy a tree and I was surprised at how non-expensive it was for the whole “experience”!

Kylee Mae a bit lost in the maze that was set up for the kids…


…and driving her car!


This little car was hilarious. A small tree tied to the front not allowing the kid driving to see where he was going….Brody pushing from the back…lol!


Once home we set up our tree and decorated it as well as the rest of the house. At this age everything is so exciting to them and everything is new. The decorations, their Christmas stuffed animals and things they’ve had each year they don’t remember so their little eyes light up like it’s the first time they’ve seen it all! I love love this time of year and am super excited to have our first Christmas in our new house with our new lil’ Baby Blade as a family of 7!


Last but not least I had to share this picture I took before we left the house. It could possibly by the most forced picture taken thus far… just look at each of their faces BAAHAA! People always ask how I get the great pictures I do. Truth is, I have HUNDREDS of these types of pictures for every “good” one I have. Someone’s eyes are closed, someone is picking their nose, one is pouting, one fell down, one is looking in the opposite direction…etc.

Thanks for trying guys, thanks Winking smile



  1. That looks like so much fun and your kids are the absolute cutest! Thanks for letting the world have a glimpse at your blessed lives.

  2. That looks like a fun family adventure...and perhaps a new yearly tradition. Congrats again on baby Blade. How exciting! I love the 'forced' picture. We have tons of those.
