Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1.16.13 A Heavy Heart–A Celebration of Life

Today’s been a different one. One that’s been filled with many mixed emotions. I’ve felt ongoing waves of sadness, confusion, thankfulness, relief, happiness, helplessness & hopefulness all at the same time. Most of all it’s left me struggling to remind myself that God is indeed in control and as Jeremiah 29:11 states, He has a plan for each of our lives.

   Today a mother of triplets remembers this heartbreaking day 2 years ago and saying goodbye to one of her three beautiful girls just 2 weeks before her 2nd birthday. Today a sweet little boy, one of quadruplets, received his wings as well. Today that little boy who had struggled his entire life is now pain free & running the streets of gold hand in hand with Jesus.

Today 4 tiny miracles, who beat the odds stacked against them, celebrated their 5th birthday. Today I sat as two of my own precious four were evaluated for preschool. The two that I once didn’t know would make it. Emotions overcame me as I reflected on those first few months of their fragile lives. Having to explain to the therapists and diagnostician what they had been through led me to tears (and them as well). Today my heart aches and my heart rejoices at the same time.

Today I thank God for these precious lives, who are all celebrated in some way. I thank God for their parents, who so many admire, and the special way they’ve touched and will continue to touch so many lives around them. Days like today, it’s hard to understand that we in fact don’t understand. Today it’s so good to rely and lean on a God who holds the world in his hands and who can see the entire puzzle when we only see a small portion of it’s many jagged pieces.

Please keep the Younglove & Barnes families in your prayers <3


  1. Beautifully written Heather. I have been praying for you extended quad family for the past few days, and will continue to do so. It truly is amazing the plans God has for each of us. I am so grateful to have connected with you almost 4 years ago, with our boys having similar situations. You were an inspiration to me, and continue to be one.

  2. I am so proud of you Heather and the wonderful mom you have become. I also thank God for your life starting 28 years ago! We surely didn't know what these 28 years would bring but God did! You amaze me with every blog you write! How did I get so lucky?? Love Mom
