Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The fight against prematurity continues…

…tomorrow it is in the form of Botox. Kylee & Brody will each be having several injections in the wee hours of the morning (Thursday the 7th). We’re new to this procedure and have been told it’s a relatively easy one. That being said they will still be put under anesthesia. If you could, please say a lil’ prayer for these two little warriors and that things go smoothly and that the Botox can relieve them (temporarily) from some of the affects of their Cerebral Palsy and hypertonia. We’ll update soon with more details and show you video of before and after, assuming there’s improvement.




  1. You've got it--sending loads of good thoughts your way. We may have this on our horizon, too.

    Stacie (also at

  2. We are praying for you Brody and Kylee! We love you so much! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis), Uncle Darrell and John.

  3. Yes we will be praying for them. Hope all goes and is successful! !!Love you. Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Larry

  4. Hope everything goes well for Brody and Kylee! I have a 2 year old son with spastic quad CP and so far we haven't had to do botox, but it may be in his future.

    If you're interested I recently started a Facebook CP support group for the DFW area. You can follow the link below:

  5. Botox treatments makes one look good in shape.Nice information posted.
    Underarm Botox Cowbridge
