Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quads’ 4th Birthday Bash!

Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin had a GREAT Birthday Party celebrating the big 4! I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to top their 2nd Birthday Party, but this one was just as fun! We have always had their parties in the Spring, closer to their “adjusted” birthday (May 6th) to avoid the germs that come along with RSV season. This year their birthday fell on a Saturday and they’ve been doing good health wise so we chose to have it on their actual birthday. We had the party at the house, which I was a bit nervous about, but it went well! We hired a  Children’s Entertainer, the same one we have seen for several years now at Bret’s work Christmas parties. We went with a generic bright colored polka dot theme that both boys and girls could enjoy and it turned out super cute and simple!

We had a little time before Mr. David showed up. The kids ran and played and ran and played. Little hyper people running everywhere, so fun! As people were arriving Baxlyn asked “why all these people coming to our new house?”. We told her to guess “for love day?” Nooo “for firefighter day?” Ummm… no Baby, for your birthday! With their birthday following Christmas & Valentines day, they were a bit confused! Another thing they didn’t quite understand was why is wasn’t Blade’s birthday too. Everyone else was turning 4, why wasn’t Blade?! So sweet.



The real fun began as soon as Mr. David walked through the door. The kids were all over him and anxious to see what all he had in store. From puppets to fun kids songs and magic, he did it all and had the kiddos laughing hysterically the entire time! If you’re local (or close to it) check him out at www.misterdavidonline.com . He is scheduled to appear at several big locations in the next few months. I highly recommend seeing him at one of the listed events or better yet, booking him for your own!


I thought for sure Korbin was gonna wet his pants… dude was CRACKING up!DSC_0119

After the show Mr. David stayed to make fun balloon hats for everyone!DSC_0176

At any given time we had kids playing in the playroom, in Blade’s room swimming in the ball pit…etc. Kids everywhere! Here’s some of the few we could grab quickly for a picture with Mr. David!


Our fab four getting ready to open their gifts! Their little friends knew just what to get them. Art supplies, clothes and just the right amount of toys – thank you all!DSC_0372

One present that had to be opened immediately was the shaving cream and “razors” that Mamaw brought. They each took a turn shaving in front of the mirror…DSC_0435…even the girls. Thankkksss Mamaw Winking smileDSC_0463

Like every year, we sang Happy Birthday four separate times, and each of the birthday kids enjoyed their own personal cake! In Texas you never know what our weather will be like in the winter. On any given day during February the weather could consist of warm rays, rain, sleet or snow. Somehow we lucked out and the weather was nice which allowed most of the kids to sit out on the back deck to enjoy their pizza, fruit and cake.

I love this action shot of them blowing out their candles. Kylee quickly turned to help Baxlyn once hers were blown out!DSC_0298DSC_0338

Four years, I just can’t believe it. You’ve come so far, my little babies, and we are so so proud of you!DSC_0495

Thanks to all of our friends who came out to celebrate with us, we had a blast and hope you did too! A very special thank you to Rebecca Wright, who also happens to be the quads’ Sunday School teacher, for coming and taking pictures and leaving one less thing for me to worry about. We greatly appreciate it! Go check out The Wright Touch Photography here!


  1. Love it! That photo of them blowing out their candles is adorable. And I love the family photo, too. Great job on the party girl!

  2. Happy Birthday Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee and Korbin! You are growing up way too fast, but it's fun watching! What a fun party you had! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)

  3. The second picture of Baxlyn is so precious! <3 Great post!

  4. Oh what fun! Kylee, Brody, Baxlyn an Korbin, you'll are amazing children and have some pretty amazing parents too. Looks like everyone had so much fun....I'm sure Blade enjoyed it too! Remember, don't blink, time goes by so fast. Thanks for sharing! A friend in East Texas....looking forward to 75 and 80 degree weather this weekend! Pam

  5. Wow, looks like a very fun party! Great pictures, too!

  6. Looks like it was a very exciting and fun 4th birthday party. Loved the pictures of them shaving.
