Saturday, May 25, 2013

Butterscotch and Broken-Hearted Boys…

Our girls went to stay the night at Nana & Aunt Beth’s last night so Bret and I could get some quality time in with the boys. Bret decided to take the boys out riding four wheelers, one of their FAVORITE things to do and when they returned, they had a buddy with them that they had found in the creek. We live, what some people would consider, “out in the country”. Snakes, opossums, tarantulas & raccoons are unfortunately a part of our daily lives this time of year. Lucky for me, this critter wasn’t quite as bad.  Korbin quickly named their turtle Butterscotch or “Buttah-scotch” as he would say., and the boys we’re thrilled about their new “pet”. Here they are, with their thumbs up, proud as can be of their catch!turtle10


They made him a new home in a shopping basket and settled him in for the night. This morning, Butterscotch was the first thing they asked about. They spent all morning outside with their friend, enjoying their “just brothers” time!turtle4turtle2

I finally got the guts to get an up close and personal look for myself only to find our little friend only had ONE eye…turtle8


Our Blade had to get in on the action, too. It’s his first catch too, ya know Winking smileturtle7

The boys played and played and played until nap time…turtle11

During their nap, I walked out to find this… Mr. Butterscotch had indeed flipped his basket over and was a goner…turtle1

Knowing they would be upset when finding out their friend had escaped, Bret and I searched the yard but no sign of Butterscotch was to be found. To my surprise, the boys were not too upset when I broke the news to them. They were sad but managed to hold it together. “Maybe he went back to da cweek” Korbin said.


He and Brody walked through the yard yelling “Buttah-scotch, Buttah-scotch, come home!” “Where did you goooo?” Poor boys.turtle13

They finally gave up and got over their friend. As you can imagine, Kylee LOST it when she came home and learned she had missed her shot at meeting their first turtle. For now, it’s back to roly polys & worms. Who knows what our little peeps will find next!

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