Friday, October 11, 2013

A few firsts – Fishin’ & Boatin’!

    So I’m WAY late on blogging about this but want to document it for sure! The quads got to go fishing for the first time this summer while on our annual trip to Kentucky – so FUN! Our KY family lives on a beautiful piece of land that has a creek that runs right through it so Jennifer and Linda thought it would be fun to let them fish. We took them one at a time so they could have undivided attention, something that’s hard to come by when you grow up a quadruplet. Although I like to fish, I don’t do the whole hook and worm thing so I left that up to the others and stood back with the camera, of course :) First up was Brody. How cute is he in his lil hat and boots?!photo (18)

His catch came pretty easy!

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One by one the others took their turns but unlike Brody, they were having a hard time catching anything…

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After a while (and realizing there were still 2 kids to go) we brought in back up. If you look to the top right of picture below you’ll see Austin, one of their cousins, with his own pole on the other side of the creek. Austin would catch a fish then pass it down and across the creek. We would then tell the quads “Let’s try this pole”, make the exchange, give it a few seconds before pulling the line out of the water and WA-LA they caught a fish!

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Kylee and “her” catch!

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Next up was Korbin…

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…and then we have Baxlyn who was probably the least excited about fishing. She’s a different kind of girl, that’s for sure, and she’s not easily impressed. She gave it a whirl with Linda anyways.

photo (23)  Although excited about her fish (again, mad props to Austin!) like her mama, she wanted nothing to do with touching it. I love how she keeps a good distance between her little body and the slimy fish!

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Another huge highlight and first for this year’s trip was getting to ride a Pontoon for the first time! Mamaw, Wayne and his brother had this planned for months and the quads LOVED it! Despite rain being in the forecast we stayed dry and had a great day out on the water jamming to one of their favorites, Pontoon, by Little Big Town. L-R Korbin, Baxlyn, Brody & Kylee.

fishin1photo (10)photo (13)  The smiles on their faces say it all. Love this one of Kylee absolutely thrilled to get to steer the boat by herself. God bless her little happy self – notice her left side super tensed up? That’s a sign of pure excitement!

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My Sweet Baxlyn <3 (yes, that would be our potty seat aboard. we still go nowhere without one!)

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One of these days I’ll get around to framing these next two pictures. Seriously, they loved every minute of the day!

photo (15) photo (16)

Brody & Mamaw having some special time taking it all in…

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Sweet Korb passed out in the back of the boat!

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Bret and I love experiencing all the firsts with our little people and look forward to many many more! So blessed and (incredibly thankful) to have them all here with us today <3


  1. What a fun post! Thanks for sharing their special adventures! Love, Sis (AKA Aunt Beth)

  2. So cute! Loved all their smiles!!

  3. thank you so much for keeping us updated on the Quads, it is such a joy looking at them, looks like they had a wonderful time.

  4. Precious pictures and beautiful memories! Thank you for posting!

