Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Our Sweet Baby Blade!

A year ago today I woke up happy and {happily} huge, ready to deliver our “Sweet Number 5”. Although we were still unsure of what this precious baby’s name would be, we were all VERY excited to add him to our family! At 12:34pm our precious boy came into this world at a whoppin’ 10lbs8oz and in perfect health. Since 12:34pm on 10.25.12 our lives have never been the same. If I had even a dime for every time I’ve been asked since he’s been born “Was he an accident? Did you TRY to have another baby?” there’s no doubt he would have his first few years of college paid for. I’ve lost count at how many times Bret and I have discussed what a perfect addition he is and how he (along with our sweet quadruplets, of course) is the best “decision” we’ve ever made. We are eternally grateful to God for the opportunity to be this sweet boy’s Mom & Daddy!






My Blade. My buddy. My tug. My sweet number 5. Since the day I very nervously brought you home I tried to soak it all in. I knew from the start how quickly you would grow. I studied your tiny new feet, I held you tightly and tried to embrace each and every moment of your “littleness” while it lasted. Somehow, here we are, you’re very first birthday! Words can’t express how much I adore you and the joy you’ve brought your daddy and I, as well as your siblings, is never-ending. After watching you grow over this past year it’s very clear you were molded by God to fit perfectly in our little family. Your daddy and I love you so so much and look forward to watching you blossom even more into who God wants you to be over the coming years.

Happy Birthday Blade, you’ll never know just how much you’re loved. Love, Mommy


blade bday


  1. Happy Birthday sweet Blade! Love the picture with the bow tie!!

  2. Happy Birthday Sweet boy! Everything your mommy said is so true! You are such an added blessing and joy to our family. We love you so much! Aunt Beth (AKA Sis), Uncle Darrell and John

  3. Precious & Perfect that's what you are! We couldn't love you anymore than we do, you are the sweetest 'little' brother to your brothers & sisters! We love you!!

  4. He was born just same day as my son!
    Happy birthday Blade :)

  5. Although we "only had three", now that they are leaving our nest I regret not letting God decide the number of blessings we have! The season of life called child-bearing years is so filled with life and the daily rush that many ppl just throw in the towel and stop. I once heard a Mom of a very large family say, "If someone gave u a million dollars every year, would you tell them to stop after one? Two?" Why then does our society think of God's blessings as something to be limited??? Next time u hear the "Was he planned" type comment, be ready with a quick retort, like, "Yes! Isn't GOD GREAT like that?". Mention the Lord and many will be headed for the door and they might learn to not ask stupid questions!
