Tuesday, January 21, 2014

We’re here, alive and well!

Long time, no post, I know. We’re all doing well and are as busy as ever! We had a great Christmas with family and friends and are gearing up for the quads’ FIFTH BIRTHDAY!! Lots to catch up on so bear with me! For now I’ll leave you with some random pictures of life in our house over the past month or so…

A couple attempts at a group shot. Don’t let the fact that they’re decent fool you, it took 852 pictures to get these. It’s hard enough getting a good picture of the five of them, throw Bret and I in the mix and a *good* family picture is nearly impossible. Perhaps I’ll add that to my {empty} bucket list for 2014…?!

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Our sweeeeet Brooke. While playing outside with the quads the other day she somehow got a little boo-boo, blood and all which made it a BIG deal. Around here there’s nothing a band aid won’t fix :)

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Korbin & Blade. I’m convinced he’s trying his hardest to grow to be as big as his brothers and sister, that Blade. Love these boys.

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Kylee Mae. This girl is one tough, brave cookie. Her cerebral palsy is making itself more known as she grows and it’s really setting in that this is going to be a life long struggle for her. I’ll go further into detail on an upcoming post but you could keep her spirits in your prayers.

mommy and kylee 2014 Our first kid-induced hair cut right here. LUCKILY it wasn’t HER hair but her new dolls hair. “It was so long it touched the table” so she chopped it off. I’ll admit she did a pretty dang good job and the doll looks rather stylish!

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B and her Daddy on Christmas <3

(On a side note, the beard has been cut since this was taken. Halleluiah .)

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We went out with my Dad and Lynn to celebrate both Bret and Dad’s birthdays. After an evening of sliding down the huge slide at Trail Dust I tried to capture a picture as we left. Blade, clearly, was over it and the quads were WILD. Again, a good 15 pictures and this was the one that made the blog.

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Mommy, Blade (with a fever) and Brody. So glad two of the five got my blonde hair :)


Last but not least, Brody & Korbin with the BB gun they got from Santa. Let boyhood begin!

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1 comment:

  1. Great Post! I only have 2 kids and over the years I usually had more pictures of them crying, squirming or just being stinkers than good ones. Oh well, It's LIFE and I love the crazy pictures!
