Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March for Babies – 2014 – WE NEED YOU!

We’re gearing up for our annual March for Babies walk that is to be held next month in Dallas!

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If you’ve followed our blog over time, it’s no secret we are big supporters for the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. It was founded by then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 to combat polio. It has since taken up promoting general health for pregnant women and babies in efforts to give all babies a healthier start.

The money we help raise for the March of Dimes supports programs that help moms have healthy, full term pregnancies. It funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten our babies. Since 1970, March for Babies has raised a staggering $2 billion to benefit all babies.

Here are just a few ways the March for Babies has already helped – click to enlarge:

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Currently there are 2.5 million dollars in grants at UT Southwestern that are helping support scientists in studying the changes to a mother’s body when she goes into preterm labor, not changes that can be seen, but studying these changes on a molecular level to find ways to prevent pre-term birth. Only 50% of the causes of pre-term birth are known at this time. It is the March of Dimes’ mission to close the gap on the other 50%.

The March of Dimes is a big part of the reason Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin are here today. All four of the quads received surfactant for their severely under developed lungs. Without the surfactant their lungs would not have been strong enough to withstand the support from the ventilators they were on. Every baby, whether born healthy or not, has been affected by the March of Dimes in some way.


What can YOU do to help?

1) Make a Donation.

None of the above can be done without financial support for the March of Dimes. Each year, we set up a Team Page where you can donate directly towards the March of Dimes. ALL donations are appreciated, big and small, and every dollar will help make a difference in the lives of babies. We like to encourage you to give what you can, even just $5 in honor of the healthy kiddos in your life today. Each year, we’ve blown our goal amount out of the water, so this year we’re going to take a leap, reach for the stars and go for $1,000! Thanks to some our our great Facebook friends, we’re already well on our way to reaching it!

2) Pass along our site to others.

We understand if you are unable to give financially. If that’s your case we ask that you pass along this blog post OR the link to our Team Page to your Facebook friends, family & coworkers so that they can donate if they’d like.

3) Walk with us!

Obviously this option is for our local supporters! We already have a team of about 35 people of all ages who are going to walk along side of our family at the Dallas March for Babies walk, we would love to include even more! Come by yourself or bring along your spouse, kids or friends too!

Everyone is able to help in one of the ways mentioned above. You can safely & securely donate, easily join our team and/or share our team page with others by clicking here.! For additional information, feel free to contact us directly at coxquads@yahoo dot com or leave a message below in the comments section.

Take a minute to look back at some of our past March for Babies walks:

March for Babies 2010

March for Babies 2011

March for Babies 2012

The Reason We Walk

Thank you so much for helping us help babies!


1 comment:

  1. good job! all of them are useful. please keep us informed like this. thanks for sharing.

