Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We Give, They Live.

We have just over a week until our 2014 March For Babies walk and I’m happy to say we’ve exceeded our fundraising goal and the number keeps climbing! Thank you all for your donations towards the March of Dimes. You are helping fund the research being done to help all babies be born healthy. Not only is our fundraising exceeding our expectations this year but our number of walkers is too! We are up to FIFTY walkers on the Cox Quads Family & Friends team! Bret and I are so excited to be accompanied by so many friends and family this year. Some people are walking in honor of our sweet quads and some are walking in memory and in honor of their little ones, we are ALL walking to raise awareness and make a difference for future lives!

If you haven’t already, please consider donating $5 in honor of the kiddos in your lives. NO amount is too small and every dollar can help give babies a fighting chance when the odds are stacked against them. Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin are some of those babies who had no chance to survive on their own. The March of Dimes helped fund the research that led to the development of surfactant which is a substance used to keep tiny, underdeveloped lungs from collapsing. Our babies were given surfactant within minutes of being born which helped them survive on the ventilator until they grew stronger. The state of Texas does 30 newborn screenings, most of which have been advocated for by the March of Dimes. They work every few years to add new diseases/disorders to the newborn screening panel. Step by step they are finding new ways to prevent lives being lost due to premature birth and birth defects. Bret and I are excited to support their efforts and we hope to instill a drive in our little miracles to help others the way that others helped them. Together, we can make a difference.

To make a donation OR to join our team, click here OR click the March of Dimes icon at the top right of our blog. All donations are safe and secure. If you are unable to donate, we ask that you share this post with your family and friends so they have an opportunity to.

To learn more about the March of Dimes and what they’re doing near you, click here!

Thank you - THANK YOU!!!

NICU hats nicu

NICU hats 1

NICU hats 2  NICU hats

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