Monday, May 12, 2014

March for Babies 2014

  We had a very successful walk this year for the March for Babies! We had 40+ people walk on our family team and, thanks to YOU, we raised just over $1,300! Here is our best shot at getting our crew in front of the MFB sign…mfb2

We absolutely love our 2014 shirts! Our friend, Mason came up with the design idea and our talented friend, Josh, brought it all together to bring us our final product! Our friends at Prosper Marketing were kind enough to provide the shirts to our team. Thank you ALL so so much for helping us walk in style and have not only a great keepsake but something to wear year round to help raise awareness for the March for Babies campaign! 

MOD 2014 Final Back

We rocked our choo choo wagon once again this year. It’s a 5 mile long walk so all of the kids tire out and need breaks. It was also a great way to keep them contained and together among the crowds before the walk got started. A bit heavy, yes, but that’s what Daddy’s muscles are for ;)

mfb4 My Broman and I. I say thank you so much for helping us support the March of Dimes but words could never express how much it means. This little boy is here thanks to current medical technology and research funded my the March for Babies campaign.

mfb5 I won’t lie, I was a little nervous about taking Blade to the walk this year. He’s not a huge stroller or choo choo fan and is a FAITHFUL napper so I was worried about how he would do not having the freedom to run (spoiled singleton!) and not having his crib to sleep in for a nap. The dude was a champ! He enjoyed every minute of the experience and didn’t shed a tear the entire time!


I loved seeing a sea of our black shirts as we walked the trail and am so grateful for the support so many of our friends and family showed by being there!


 mfb7 Mamaw helping Brody “Surf” for Babies ;)



mfb11 As if our wagon doesn’t cause enough attention, Bret took the quads on a joy ride as they flew by other walkers. Their loud giggles were contagious!


I failed to get a good group shot of the back of the quads’ shirts but here’s a look at Korbin’s. Like every year we had “I’m a #lb #oz Miracle” printed on the back of their shirts. Bret said he was offended Blade didn’t have “I’m a 10lb 8oz Miracle” on the back of his – Maybe next year ;) 



All along the path are “Path of Hope” signs which hold pictures and stats of babies born prematurely. Some stories are of tiny ones who pulled through and others tell a story of babies who earned their wings far too early. Many of the signs gave me goosebumps. So many babies who fought so hard and made it home to their families and so many babies who lost their lives due to preterm labor and other complications. I love this picture below of Brody & Baxlyn looking closely at their sign.




Sweet Blade and Bret. Oh how he ADORES his Daddy!



Bethany or “Aunt Bethie”. This girl is my other half and I don’t know what I’d do without her!


Emmett, Everett & Emerson’s Mama ditched their choo choo a few months ago so they bunked into their new Radioflyer when their little legs gave out!




A picture at the finish line with most of our team!

MOD Cox Quads Team 2014

Thanks again to all who walked with us, all who donated or shared our page with friends and families! On behalf of many I say it’s so greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a lot of money! Congratulations! I wish the best to those fighting babies!
