Thursday, June 19, 2014

Father’s Day – Beach Style!

After church we headed out to Papa & Lynn’s house to spend Father’s Day! Below, Papa with his GrandQuads! (Blade was attached to Daddy, of course!)


There is a beautiful lake near their house with the perfect beach for kids. Our crew has never had a real “beach” experience so they were thrilled to learn we were spending the afternoon in the water!


Baxlyn, Korbin & Brody having a blast waiting for waves… if you could only hear their laughter!


Like always, Blade was right there in the mix of things, giving me mini heart attacks as he ventured out like a big boy. At nearly 30lbs, he does well in his Puddle Jumper. Walking in the sand against the waves tipped him over quite a bit but he thought it was hysterical!


While I LOVE water and LOVE to swim, I’ve never been one for lakes or oceans. I like to SEE what’s creeping up on me below the water and the thought of a fish even getting near me terrifies me……eeeekk! While I enjoy going out on a boat occasionally, I have no desire to jump off into the deep unknown for a quick swim! One of these years, I’ll get to vacation some place like you see in the magazines…. a beautiful white sand covered creature-free beach, clear blue waters, tropical fish that you can see a mile deep….ahhhh ;) Luckily, we were at this beach for several hours and the only living thing I saw in the water/on the beach was one little fly – now THAT I can do!


My love and I. We rarely take picture together anymore. This one I forced him to take while snacking on sunflower seeds, hence the look.


My sweet girls. They have no fear and would have kicked their way out into the middle of the lake had I let them!


Me, Papa & Kylee who couldn’t stand to take moment to smile for a picture and miss out on more fun!


Korbin & B. Two peas in a pod.


Lynn & Korbin relaxing in the sand…


Blade and I playing a game of “I get youuuuuu” around the tree :)


I think Baxlyn probably enjoyed the water the most. She’s like me in OH SO many ways and has always been a fish out of water since she was a baby. This smile never left her face the entire time we were there!


Papa & Brody :)




Back at the house,  Brody double fisting the watermelon before enjoying a delicious rib dinner!


This sweet boy did SO good the entire day. He finally had had enough around 8pm and crashed quickly once we got in the car to head home!


People are always amazed that I capture so many pictures but I tell ya it’s hard. All day I kept telling myself to remember to get a picture of the 5 with Bret…. did I? Well, of course not. UGH! I did manage, however, to capture a “real” non posed picture of Korbin, Kylee, Baxlyn & Brody joining in on a rare group hug! So crazy, how big these little people are getting…


Thanks again, Papa & Lynn, for a fun-filled day! We can’t wait to come back and do it all again!

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