Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Letter-Hat Day!

So today was Letter-Hat Day at school. It’s projects like these I imagine will be a HUGE challenge when it comes to having quadruplets. Art projects, science projects, research papers TIMES FOUR….Ahhhhh! Luckily we have close friends and family that I’m hoping we can depend on over the coming years for extra hands ;) The quads’ “Uncle Chirs” is SUPER artistic and helped us create Brody’s hat last year, he jumped at the chance to help with their hats again! Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin each chose their letter and helped us come up with an idea for each of their hats. The get to wear their hats at school today and show them off in a little parade! Here are the final products…


Brody was up first and chose to do a chef’s hat. He’s OBSESSED with Shogun, a hibachi grill type restaurant where they cook in front of you, so we did the letter “C” for Cook/Chef. Chris drew a grill, fire (because Brody is also obsessed with fire), a chicken leg, spatula, and other cooking items for Brody to color in! The poster board we used started off about 8 inches taller than what you see here. We debated sending him to school in a 4 foot tall hat but decided to make it a bit easier on the teachers ;)


Baxlyn is super into rainbows lately so we went with this… it’s a little on the… ahem… large side, but she loves it ;) She chose the random letter “N”.

hatday6 Kylee was dead set on a princess crown. She chose the letter “B” for Brooke (the dog) of course!


Ok Korbin’s, I won’t lie. Chris and I came up with this design. He originally wanted a Wizard hat but we couldn’t get the cone shape down just right. After some doodling we came up with elf ears, which you can clearly see, turned into Yoda. Although he has no clue who Yoda is, he LOVES his hat an enjoyed “scaring” the assistant principal this morning when she went to help him out of the van. Silly, dude!


Then we have sweet Blade. At 19 months old he has no idea he’s younger than the rest of them. As far as he’s concerned EVERYTHING they do, he does too. He insisted on wearing each hat, crawling up into Chris’ arms and cheesing for a picture like the others. Oh this boy!


Thanks again, Uncle Chris, for helping us with the second of MaNy projects!


  1. How fun!!! They all look great! Uncle Chris and the kids did a wonderful job! I didn't really delete the original post, I just had to edit it!
