Saturday, September 27, 2014

Quads first Homecoming Game {2014}

Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin attended their first football game (outside the belly!) a couple of weeks ago and it happened to be Homecoming! Nana & Aunt Beth took Blade for the night and Chris & Bethany came along to help us wrangle the quads. It was a fun night FULL of new experiences and lots and lots and lotssss of questions.

Before we left the house - Cardinal Pride all the way! It’s not often these days they give me a good picture but when they do…wow!

quads first homecoming1

They weren’t quite sure what to expect of a “real” game. The only games they’ve ever been to are Daddy’s softball games and their own t-ball games. Quite a different atmosphere being here at a TEXAS high school football game!


Here they are with the one and only, Coach Deel. Coach Deel coached both Bret and I when we were in school. No doubt the most well known man in the school district and has worn many many hats over the years. We were over the moon when we learned he was still so involved when the quads started in the district last year!


I love how Brody threw his arm around him and leaned right in as if they’ve been BFFs for ages…hilarious!


I was a cheerleader in high school and spirit gear is a must, especialllly for Homecoming! I whipped these little bad boys up while the quads were at school the day of the game. Back in the day we cheerleaders made all kinds of loot using paint stirrers (as seen here) toilet paper rolls, ribbons and bells…etc. Brody, B, Kylee & Korb were thrilled to have their own little sign to take to the game…



Before the game we watched the ceremony where the Homecoming Queen was crowned. Again… lots of questions from curious 5 year olds! They watched in awe as the band played and the girls were escorted by their daddies down the field.


A look back at my Homecoming with my sweeeeet boyyyfriend…. aweeeee! Never could we have imagined where we would be a decade later :)

(On a side note, our town was so small back then that we didn’t have a high school. We had to go to the next town over, hence the purple.)

homecoming queen

The quads know that the Cardinal or “Birdie” is our school mascot but were thrown for a loop when I told them that the “Tigers” were about to run through their tunnel. Little hands gripped my arm and their eyes widened as Brody asked “TIGERS?” Huge sigh of relief when they realized there were no real animals ;)



Baxlyn caught a “blanket” the cheerleaders threw into the stands before the game started!


Brody cheering his lil heart out and waving his signs…




The band during half time. They preformed their UIL competition routine. Very Awesome!


Of course the main attraction was Birdie!


To my surprise, they lasted about half way through the 4th quarter before tiring out. The six of us before heading back home..

quads first homecoming2

As hard as it is sometimes to watch them grow up, I do look forward to being able to enjoy more moments like these as a family! Our next stop? The Dallas Cowboys Stadium….eeeeek! Stayed tuned!


  1. SO much fun! You are going to have a blast as they get more involved. Love the distinct look of tiredness in the family photo. Such a difference from the beginning.
    Valerie Springer (Resp. therapist with them)
