Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Urgent Prayer Request: Pray for Brody

Brody had been showing symptoms of shunt failure since Friday morning. We brought him to Children's ER today expecting to be told everything was ok. CT showed his shunt is fine and in place but the ventricles in his brain are enlarged. He is being transferred by ambulance to Cook Children's ASAP to see his neurosurgeon.

Please please pray. He's terrified and doesn't understand what's going on and we are having a hard time explaining things without scaring him further.

Will update when I can.


  1. Thinking of your little man and your family. Sending the best wishes.

  2. Praying for your family. xoxo, Amber

  3. Praying for you Brody during this scary time. We know that God is in control and all things are sifted through His fingers. There isn't one thing that happens that He didn't allow. You are his miracle to us and are fearfully and wonderfully made for His glory. I look forward to the day that you can read this and know how much you have always been and will always be loved. You are an amazing young man Brody! Love you, Aunt Beth (AKA SIS)

  4. Praying for Brody and your family.

  5. Thinking of you all. I hope they get things figured out soon.

  6. I want to testify of the good work of Dr okhore who helped me in achieving the things i never thought i was going to have again.My name is rose i was in a relationship for 3yrs with a guy i believed he loved me so much. At a time he started nagging over every little thing i do so i knew something was wrong i tried more than anything in the world to persuade him after a while i noticed some changes in him, i tried to do things dat will please him in several ways but all to no avail.shortly i noticed he was seeing another girl i tried to make him understand that i loved him so much but he wouldn’t even listen.one day i read a testimony on a similar case a person testified of the work of this great Dr okhore even when i did not believe i was convinced by my friend so i contacted him and tried his method reluctantly, surprisingly in less than one week my lover contacted me and till date we are still together happily married with two kids.so if you are going through similar thing or you have a problem just contact him and i guarantee you he will help you get all what you have lost. Here is his email address okhoretemple@gmail.com
