Friday, November 28, 2014

Christmas Tree Farm {2014}

We went back to the Ivanhoe Christmas Tree Farm with Chris and Bethany in search of this year’s Christmas tree and had a great time!


If you are local and haven’t been, GO! They have a great selection of beautiful trees at great prices! We walked out of there with an 11+ foot tall tree for $63! Here’s Kylee pointing out the one she wanted to take home!

IMG_9536 Baxlyn & Kylee. They’ve grown to love each other more and more over the last few weeks. Their room is filled with giggles and they’re full of “sister pride” lately. Just this afternoon they were trying to out-do each other with kindness. “I want Baxlyn  to pick the movie, Mom!” Kylee would say and then Baxlyn would be sure that Kylee saw she drew EXTRA hearts around Kylee’s name as they colored on the white board. If only it were this way 24/7 ;)


Brody & Baxlyn with a “tree” she carried around for a while before realizing we were serious when we said it was not coming home with us…IMG_9542 This picture. Melt Me. Seriously, it is so so hard to get them to cooperate these days. A few certain ones who we won’t name (ahem, K & K) sport some pretty feisty attitudes from time to time. I was so thankful when they all put on smiles for this picture that turned out to be one I’ll cherish forever!


Korbin collecting pinecones. Does he not look like a young man in this picture? So handsome and so big!

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Chris & Bethany find their 2014 Christmas Tree and seal the agreement with a kiss ;)

IMG_9558While the other three collect as many pinecones as their wee arms could hold, Brody helped Uncle Chris cut down their tree. Blade had been doing his best to keep up with everybody, falling every 10 feet or so due to the uneven ground. He noticed Chris and Brody laying down so came over and plopped right down next to them. So cute!

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 Our family picture in front of the tree we chose!IMG_9598 IMG_9600   Each year, Bret lets the kids help cut down our tree. This was Blade’s first year to get to help. His little face says it all…


Precious Baby <3

IMG_9622     My little Quadlings: Brody, Korbin, Baxlyn & Kylee


Our final product!

Xmas Tree 2014 

Now to get the rest of the house decorated before our BIG week ahead of us :/ Stay Tuned!


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