Thursday, December 18, 2014

Advent Activity #2 {Jesus Is Love}

We did two activities from our new Advent Calendar this week. Our first lesson was “Jesus Is Love”. We read scripture that told about Jesus’ love and that he commands us to love each other. It wasn’t just a good lesson for the quads’ but a good one I could be reminded of every once in a while.

John 15:12 This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.

John 15:17 This is my command: Love each other.

We talked about how easy it is to love those who show us love, how it’s easy to love those who we consider loveable, nice, kind and “deserving” of love. What about the people who are hard to love? The kid at school who doesn’t always act or talk nice? Perhaps your sibling when they make a bad decision in someway that hurts you? Honestly, some days it’s hard to show love towards difficult people or in difficult situations. Jesus tells us plain and simple… “Love each other”. Period. No if’s, no stipulations.


The activity that went along with the lesson was to write a “Love Letter” to someone special. After discussing different ways we can show love to those around us, each of the quads’ picked ONE person to write a letter of love to. A simple message that would show Jesus’ love and hopefully brighten the day of each recipient. Being “big” kindergarteners, Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin were excited to get to write the letters themselves and practice sounding out their words as they did their best to spell what they wanted to say!

Between the four writers and one busy Blade, I somehow only managed to get pictures of Brody & Baxlyn during the activity… boo. Here’s Broman working to hard addressing the envelope being dropping it in the mail…


Here’s a shot of Kylee’s finished product. She kept her letter of love short and sweet. I love how their confidence is building as they start to try to spell words themselves. So so precious! Her letter translates “U R Beautiful” accompanied by a heart…


Miss Baxlyn on the other hand could sit and write/color/draw While I’ll keep who her recipient was anonymous, I can tell you she POURED every thought she had into her letter, filling up the page both front and back. This little girl’s heart and kind spirit is simply amazing and makes me so proud. I can only hope the recipient of her letter can feel the love she put into it!


Their finished letters, addressed and ready to be delivered! Who knows, you may be one of the lucky ones that received (will be receiving) one of these ;)


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