Sunday, December 7, 2014

Recoveries… Quad-Style…

Our Kylee Mae is 6 days post-op and doing remarkably well. Not ONCE has she complained of pain since being home! She’s hardly using her wheelchair in the house as she prefers to crawl until her knees hurt (we’ve offered knee pads and she doesn’t like them). She can now even go potty all by herself (at home)! I never realized how much a five year old peed until I had to take one each and every time. She also went back to school on Friday! I was told her class was more than excited to not only have her back, but to see her new wheels too ;) Bathing her and getting her in and out of the van has been a little challenging, but if those are our only issues, I won’t complain! Here she is posing with the Edible Arrangement sent to her from Mamaw & Wayne!

kylee ps1

Korbin’s belly is healing nicely too. Here’s his tiny scar from his surgery… (by the way, those are leftovers from the tattooed battle-scene he had going on a couple of weeks ago, I swear we bathe him.)

kylee ps2

Mr. Brody's head is looking better each day as well! He has a follow up with his neurosurgeon in a few days and should be cleared to resume all normal activities such as recess and PE at school… whoop!

brody ps3

These quadlings are seriously such BIG troopers and they make me so proud :] Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

Stay tuned, I CAN. NOT. WAIT. to share our advent fun we’ve been doing over here!!!


  1. Such good news!!! Continued prayers as they continue to recover! We do have a soft spot when it comes to quads!

  2. Glad to hear they are all doing well! I just had foot surgery 5 weeks ago and this cast cover for the shower was a life saver! Never got a drop of water on my bandages and it is a really thick material so it lasts! Highly recommend this if you don't already have one and is WAY better than trying to fashion grocery bags around it!
