Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Quad Quotes: Marriage.

Everyone knows the old saying “Out of the mouths of babes”. Having four five year olds, you can imagine I hear my fair share of ridiculously cute things on a daily basis. I love hearing what comes out of their mouths (most of the time!) and watching how they comprehend the many different things they’re learning. I’ve been horrible at stopping and writing down the cute things they’ve said as they’ve grown but this one, I wanted to record and share.

Last night on the way home:

 Me: Do any of ya’ll think you’ll get married one day?

Baxlyn: No. Some people don’t wash their lips.

Me: You can marry someone you fall in love with.

Baxlyn: I already fallded in love wit you, Mom, but you’re already married.

Korbin: I’m gonna marry Baxlyn.

Me: Well, you can’t marry anyone in your family.

Korbin: Whatever, Mom. I’m gonna marry B.

Brody: YALL… You just look at their hand. If they ain’t got a ring, you can marry them.
