Thursday, March 19, 2015

Quads – 6 Year Check Up!


I’ll start by saying thank you ALL for sharing your experience with Celiac Disease, I got an overwhelming amount of support and have so many great sources now, thanks to you guys! We did hear back from Dr. Russo and he told us that last week’s biopsies did confirm Celiac Disease in Baxlyn. We switched her to 100% gluten free (the best to our knowledge, anyways) as of Friday. Our game plan is to do another blood draw in six months to check her numbers again. In the meantime, we will hope that the GF diet will eliminate her tummy pain and constipation issues. We’re almost a week into her diet and she still has continuous discomfort but we’re told it can take up to several months for it to go away completely. Luckily, our kids are overall great eaters. Baxlyn has liked 99% of what she’s tried so far and hasn’t complained ONE time of not being able to have what the others have. A super special thank you to our physical therapist, Ashley, for being so thoughtful and bringing Miss B this fun basket full of GF goodies!

baxlyn gf basket

Our pediatrician’s office never ceases to amaze me. From the moment we walked in the door the nurses tag teamed and immediately started their assessments. Due to being born early, we continue to check their hearing and vision at every annual check up. While everyone’s hearing checked out just fine, our eyes were a different story. Dr. Reyes believes Baxlyn may have an astigmatism and Brody has divergent eyes. We’ve noticed A LOT going on with Brody’s eyes, which causes great concern for his shunt. He, Bret and I had a “date night” (his words, bless his heart) at the ER Monday evening undergoing a CT and Xrays to make sure all was well. Thankfully, he checked out just fine! We will be adding yet another doc to our team and following up with a new pediatric ophthalmologist in a week or so.


Six Year Stats:

Brody: 43lbs 3’9in

Baxlyn: 42lbs 3’10in

Kylee: 44lbs 3’11in

Korbin: 43lbs 3’9in

Quite a difference than the 2 & 3lbs they started at!



Kylee, Korbin & Brody were champs while getting their blood drawn to check their numbers that would indicate Celiac Disease. We should know those results by early next week. Below, Brody showing Dr. Reyes how strong his legs are :)

6yr1 The one and only, Dr. Reyes!


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