Monday, March 9, 2015

Quads 6th BirthDAY!

Bret and I surprised our squad with lunch at school on the day of their birthday! We’ve never done visited them for lunch at school before so it was a nice treat for all of us! We stopped by Subway and patiently waited in the empty cafeteria for their kindergarten class to arrive. When they walked in, they literally walk right by us and didn’t even notice we were there. It was all of their little friends who gasped, smiled and told them “hey isn’t that your mommy and daddy?!!?” They were so surprised! We enjoyed hearing about their morning thus far and spent nearly the rest of the time waving to the other little kindergarteners across the room from our private little table. So fun seeing them in their school environment!

6th birthday quads 

  Like their Mama, these kiddos love to go out to eat. We had a second surprise in store for them that evening! We told them we were going to take them to eat at Lahacienda Ranch for their birthday dinner but they didn’t know that most of the family would be there to surprise them! Everyone was there, seated before we walked in and yelled “surprise!!” as we entered – so fun!IMG_9792 IMG_9790

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 They especially loved when the staff came out and sang Happy Birthday to them and brought them a birthday cake!IMG_9838  IMG_9834

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Of course the *reason* this is one of their favorite places to come… the horses. We spent a small fortune and stood in the freezing cold weather for some time so they could all ride the horses dozens of times but the giggles and smiles on their faces made it all worth it!


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A special thank to all who came out to celebrate with us! Stay tuned for a glimpse at their PaRtY!!!!

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