Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother’s Day 2015

Due to some CrAzY TX weather including tornado watches and some MAJOR local flooding, we opted to stay home sweet home this year for Mother’s Day. Bret spoiled me Friday evening by taking me to get my nails and toes done and treating me to a fabulous, kid-free dinner at LaHacienda Ranch while my sweet mom and sister stayed with our crew. A decent group picture of all 6 (or 7) of us is next to impossible these days so I snapped some selfies with each kiddo this evening…

My sweet girls, Baxlyn & Kylee

mothers day girls 

The boysss. Brody (is he not the cutest in his new specs?!) & my handsome Korbin

mothers day boys

And then we have Blade. This little one is every bit of 2 years old right now. He wasn’t in the picture taking mood, CLEARLY. God love him and all the ‘tude he packs sometimes!

mothers day blade 

I was happy to discover each of the quads made their own “Mom” book at school to bring home as a gift. THIS is what it’s all about, y’all, and I’m lucky enough to have FOUR of these gems to look through. So sweet, sometimes surprising and very entertaining, these kindergarteners!

First up is Brody’s book. Love my lopsided hair and facial features going on…

md a1

One of the pages read: To relax my mom likes to…. “Let me ride on her back.” Yes, buddy. Because after riding you (and the rest of the kids in line across the living room) this mama who’s got some serious abdominal separation, hernia & daily back pain feels SO relaxed!

md a2

Baxlyn’s cover page…

md b1

I found this picture of hers entertaining. “I love it when my mom…helps me and helps me get down.” Clearly her picture shows me helping her get down…. off of the ROOF via a ladder. Not that I wouldn’t help her if the occasion should arise, but it’s yet to really happen!

md b2

While unpacking their folders on Friday, I was a bit concerned when I came across Kylee’s book (and then more so to find Korbin’s looked very similar). What at first I thought was a serious case of acne, turns out to be “ALL of my freckles”. In reality, I’m not sure I have even one freckle on my face, but I appreciate the detail they were aiming for…

md c1

“I love it when my mom… goes out of town so I can spend time with Daddy.” #ouch

md c2

Korbin’s cover, again, so proud to show me the freckles he drew…

md d1

“It bugs my mom when….I talk too much.” Let’s face it, he was right on the money with this one. Notice he added the “I like my mom.” at the end so no hard feelings ;)

md d2

Some more cards they all worked on while staying with Nana & Aunt Beth. Korbin’s (the green standing in the back) has markers glued to it and it reads “For Mother’s Day. Dear Mom I know you hate laundry. I can do some laundry for you.” He’s yet to touch any laundry during the 10 loads I did this weekend, but the thought was sweet!

md cards

A super special Mother’s Day to my own Mom and Mother in law! Thank you two for ALL for you do for us and for being the best Nana & Mamaw to our crazy bunch! Love you so much!

nana and mamaw


  1. Brody is so cute with his glasses!

  2. So cute! I cant believe how big Blade has gotten! I'm a long time follower of your story and I love little Baxlyns name and am thinking of naming my daughter Baxlyn and i was wondering how you pronounced it?

  3. I hope all is well with this family. I miss the updates!

  4. I miss you too. Hope all is well. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Please Please Please continue the blog. I check everyday. Miss you guys.Happy Thanksgiving

  6. It looks like you all had a wonderful time on mother’s day. Thanks a ton for sharing these photos here. We also surprised our mom with a surprise party at one of her favorite venues on mother’s day. All had a great time together!
