Monday, January 18, 2016

First Grade... Then & Now

Like I mentioned on the previous post, I had every intention of getting back to blogging once the quads' started school. Here's the post I wrote the morning I dropped them off for their first day of first grade!

"Seriously. Where does the time go? I JUST dropped them off for Kindergarten yesterday!
I’m happy to report there were NO tears out of the quads or myself during the drop off this morning. Mr. Blade had a harder time. “I big nuff” he told me over and over, he insisted he would stay and color like the rest of them. Luckily the dude can be easily lured by food and I got him to walk out of the school at his own will with a promise of a trip to the donut shop on the way home. 
Many have asked if they’re all in the same class again this year and what our reasoning is behind the decision we’ve made. Yes, they are. For all you non-Texans, it’s a law here that it’s the parent’s decision to split their multiples or not. Like mentioned before, they were all together in PreK (there at the same school). They did well so the teachers all agreed they would do fine in kinder together. Towards the end of their kinder year I discussed the option of splitting them with several of the teachers and other staff and was assured once again that they did fine together (they didn’t cling or depend on each other…etc.) and nobody saw any reason to split them up if I didn’t want to. Although it’s legally my decision, I’m so thankful for a supportive school that doesn’t “ strongly urge” me one way or another. After much consideration, Bret and I decided to put all four in the same class again. The way I see it, they will have the rest of their lives to be apart. As they get older, they’ll naturally go in their different directions, but I’m not looking to rush it! Keeping them together makes things MUCH easier on me when it comes to school schedules, volunteering in the classroom and communication with the teacher.
Here’s Mr. Brody, a little nervous, but ready for his big day!

Miss B. This girl was born to learn and having a coloring page there waiting at her desk made her all the more ready for the new adventure!

Kylee Mae. Slightly annoyed at my picture taking and need to squeeze and kiss all their cheeks before leaving. This girl is growing up too quickly. 6 going on 16, I’m afraid :/

Korbin, my handsome dude, was luckily enough to be seated next to two of his friends from his kinder class!
Korbin, Kylee, Mrs. Lane (their new teacher) Baxlyn and  Brody at this year’s Meet The Teacher!
Good Luck, my sweet first graders!
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Fast forward about 5 months and they're all LOVING school, as am I! We were so blessed with an awesome teacher last year, I was afraid nobody could measure up. I was wrong. Mrs. Lane is not only a fantastic teacher, but she truly cares about these kids in every way. Nothing puts a mama's mind at ease like knowing her kids are cared for when they're away from her!
I watch a couple of other sweet boys a couple days a week but Friday's are just Blade and I. When we have nothing else going on, we like to go up and volunteer at the school. I go from classroom to classroom helping teachers with sorting, making copies and filing papers while Blade tags along or hangs out with his favorite librarian, Mrs. B.
Here's Brody who was named Top Cardinal last week! My sweet boy was recognized for his leadership and for setting a good example!
So hard to believe this school year is already more than half way over. I'm trying so hard not to blink. Before you know it, Blade will be off for kinder! 

Happy Monday!

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