Monday, March 30, 2009

Bottles, BIG Cribs and Baby Steps!

The babies graduated Friday night into "Baby Steps" which is the nursery (still in the nicu) they go to when they're getting close to coming home :) The boys are still sleeping together and the girls now have their own crib too!

Baxlyn has hit 4lbs (4lbs 1oz to be exact)! She was the first one to bottle feed and shocked everyone when she gulped the whole thing down in 10 minutes. She is now up to 6 bottles a day... their goal before they come home...8... yeah pretty crazy progress, huh?! The others started feeding a day or two later than Baxlyn and are doing well still at 1-3 bottles a day.Kylee is no longer our smallest... she caught up to Korbin and weighs 3lbs 15oz. Korbin weighs in at 3lbs 13oz and Mr. Brody.... wow 4lbs 12oz!

Their little personalities are really coming through, especially the boys. I'm convinced Brody will be the one that needs me. He knows just the right way to cry to make me or any nurse nearby pick him up and snuggle a bit... and then he's fine. Spoiled? Maybe so... but he's here and I'm thankful for that :) and if a little love is all he needs, it's all his!

Korbin on the other hand... couldn't care less... about anything. He can be right next to Brody crying his head off and sleep right through it. It seems like nothing bothers him, feed him and he's good to go. Unlike Brody's low pitched "choppy" cry that I can recognize a mile away or over the phone, Korbin I wouldn't have a clue.

Kylee and Baxlyn are both pretty easy going most of the time, but can be VERY dramatic. Baxlyn has this high pitched squeaky little whimper thing that she can turn on and off faster than you can imagine.

I wish you all could see these little grey shorts they're wearing. Holding them you think they are so itty bitty yet they would fall right to the floor if you were to stand who's wearing them up!


  1. So sweet!! Wait to go Cox Quads!!! You better start getting ready mommy and daddy, it won't be long!!!

  2. I have to say, I do Love their outfits!

  3. Are those volleyball shorts they're wearing?

  4. oh man so cute :]

  5. Adorable photos! Glad to see all of the updates & getting to see you last week!

  6. Great progress! Won't be long now until their personalities fill your home!!!

  7. Thank you so much for the updates! It is so nice to hear when prayers from all over are being answered. Love the insight into their developing little personalities.

  8. I love the shorts... that is hilarious. Sooo cute! Not much longer till your house is close to breaking the fire code! So exciting!

  9. such cuties! and way to go baxlyn! that is awesome on the bottle feeding. yup, you'll soon have everyone home...then the real fun begins ;)

    thanks for sharing!
    -fellow quad mom of 1yo GGGG and a 5yo boy

  10. I miss my Brody:) BB Robin

  11. Hey Heather! This is great! I love all of the pics!! I can't wait to get to come see them!!

  12. They are all so precious... especially the girls in their little bows! Glad to hear they are all making progress. You're still in our prayers.

  13. All your pics are so adorable!:)
