Wednesday, March 25, 2009

34 Weeks

Yes, the babies are now at 34 weeks gestation... our goal date. It was a long shot that we would make it this far still pregnant and looking at the babies and how they have grown in the past 5 weeks, I totally see why my body couldn't hold out!
Everyone is doing great this week. They all got blood transfusions yesterday, due to being anemic. Brody and Baxlyn will have another transfusion today to get their levels up a little more. They all had their eye exams yesterday and they look great! They will be tested again in 2 weeks to see if there are any changes.

Kylee now weighs 3lbs 8.8oz

Brody as you can see 4lbs 4.1oz

Korbin 3lbs 10.5oz

Baxlyn 3lbs 12oz

As the babies do better at holding their temperature on their own, they're able to spend more time out of their isolettes. The nurses last night decided to let Brody and Korbin sleep together in a real crib. I called this morning and they did great and were nice and warm all through the night! Hopefully the girls will join them soon!

Brody's toxic diaper in a biohazard bag... yes it was that bad.
"Oh the life of a preemie..." - Baxlyn


Baxlyn & Brody hangin' out.

Kylee and her hat with a death grip on her passy!


  1. So cute!!! I can't wait to meet them!

  2. Hey there Bret and Heather,
    The babies look GREAT! We can't wait to meet them this summer. Love to you guys and your children.
    Becky, John, and Peri Acar

  3. Hi guys! The babies are so cute and they look great! We can't wait to meet them! I'm glad everything has been going good so far, we'll continue to pray!

  4. They have grown so much! They are beautiful! Enjoy every minute. They will look back at this as they get older and love reading all these post and pictures!! Prayers for you all!

    Hearts and Hugs

  5. Looking great Momma! Thanks for the update, love the biohazard bag, I need to look into those and maybe have them already attached to the diapers. :o)

  6. Awesome!!
    Sorry I didn't get to call you back...with the rain I've been waiting for the girls to get out of school so I can pick them up so they didn't have to walk. Hopefully I'll be able to get up there and see them.
    Hope to see you Sunday at church. Jessica says hi.

  7. Wonderful! They look precious!! Love the death grip on the paci!! Still praying! Thanks for keeping us posted!

  8. I love that nuk picture of the death grip! Just adorable pictures and thank you for sharing!

  9. They are all too cute and some pics here, if possible, even more cute! Thanks for sharing! May GOD bless this lovely family!
    a baby-blog fan from Hungary

  10. They are just beautiful mama!! Love the death grip photo.
    And YEA for the boys getting to bunk together, how cool is that?!
    See you soon! LOVE YOU

  11. Have been following your blog and just wanted to say how BEAUTIFUL the babies are!!!! Congrats on Brody's surgery!

  12. Goodness! The sure are cute! Glad things are going well.

  13. Love the one of Brody and Baxlyn hanging out. ;)
