Saturday, March 21, 2009

Road Trip For Brody!

Brody leaving for Children's

Before Surgery

Mommy and Brody before surgery

Brody and his wild hair after surgery.

Relaxin' in his bed with his "We Love You Brody" pic from the brother and sisters.

Just another battle scar :)

Meanwhile... everyone waiting for Brody to come back...
Korbin - Green Blanket
Baxlyn - Lavender
Kylee - Pink

sisters :)

Come back Brody, we miss you!

"Yeah, I am dang cute..."

Brody coming home!

"Whew, it's been a rough week and it's good to be back!"

The babies are all doing great! Everyone is off nasal cannula. Brody is feeling good, you wouldn't even know he had surgery, he doesn't show any signs of pain and is his happy little self!
Next Tuesday... eye exams :/
Keep Prayin'!
Thanks, Bret and Heather


  1. Praying! So happy for the GREAT update! Those are precious pics!!!

  2. So glad to see the update! I have been thinking & praying for you! Fabulous pics!!!

  3. oh, i just want to eat their little cheeks!!! I can't wait to see them!

  4. Anonymous poster GO AWAY.. NO one asked you. Please leave this family alone. Let them be parents.

    Bret & Heather,
    Know that we are praying for you and wish you and the babies well. Please ignore the anonymous poster that left that hateful comment. Do not be shaken by their comment.

    Many hugs being sent for these precious babies.

  5. Thanks for the update. I have been checking back to see how everything went, even though I expected you would be too busy to write an update. Praying for all of you.

  6. good gosh, those pics are precious. SOOO glad that Brody's surgery went well and that he is back "home" with his sibs! prayers always! and lots of love,

  7. Praise the Lord that all is going so well with Brody and all the babies. God is so good. I love the pictures. They are growing, it will be such a sweet day when you will be able to take them all home.
    Prayers and hugs from Indiana.

  8. So glad for you guys to have all the babies together again... and that surgery seemed to go so well. Prayers coming your way for a "Good News Tuesday":)


  9. I LOVE Kylee's mouth hanging wide open, that is so cute. It makes me smile!

  10. Poor little Brody! He looked really good in those last pics though.
