Monday, April 20, 2009

2 Down... 2 To Go!

Yes Sir, two are home! The whole weekend we had planned on bringing Kylee and Baxlyn home. Korbin was for the most part ready also, but we were going to let him hang out with Brody a few more nights to ease us into the whole "at home" parenting thing. We called last night to check on everybody and Miss Kylee had had a recorded brady (her heart rate dropped and they had to stimulate her to get her to breathe) in this case, they must go 5 days without another one. Soo... needless to say she wasn't coming home. This morning we called before heading that way and the doctor said "You want to take Korbin too?!".... and so we did :)
It was bittersweet in a way. On one hand we get to take 2 of our babies home YAY! On the other hand, we're having to split them up and it will be hard for us to go see the others :( but we will manage! Assuming Kylee doesn't have another Brady she should be home later this week/weekend and Brody is still looking like another week or two. He is doing great, just not taking all feedings by bottle just yet. They get to sleep in the same bed now, too!

The girls and one last snuggle before separation.

Baxlyn and her goodbyes to her Baby Buddy Meredith.
We love you, and thank you for everything ;)

The girls and their "I'm Mommy's Dream Come True" outfits!

Finally, a picture of Bret holding them all for the first time!

The wonderful Dr. Jain with everybody!

Leaving the NICU...

Bret and I with the babies outside Dr. Leveno's loading up!

Korbin's first car ride.

Baxlyn's first car ride. She's just thrilled can't you tell...

Home :)

Daddy and Baxlyn

Mommy and Korbin
(If I didn't know better, I'd say it was Brody!)

That's all for now, I'm gonna go watch my sweet babies breathe :)


  1. WAY TO GO Baxlyn and Kylee. Can't wait to meet you!!! I have been checking ALL day for an update since I heard on Saturday. Congrats Bret and Heather!! Love ya

    Mark, Amy, Ashley, Jessica

  2. Oh my bad...guess I should have read better. Congrats Baxlyn and Korbin!!!

  3. Welcome Home Baxlyn and Korbin! Kylee and Brody will be joining you soon!

    1 Chronicles 16:34
    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!

    Bret, what a beautiful picture of you with your babies, it was worth the wait!

    Heather, you are going to be a wonderful mommy!

    Love you all, Sis

  4. I am just bursting with pride. Bret and Heather you are handling this all with such maturity! It is wonderful to see. I am so looking forward to the future with these precious little ones. God has really blessed you and I'm sure he will continue to do so. Love Mom

  5. Congratulations!!! What an exciting time for your family. I hope that all goes well and you settle into being at home quickly.

  6. AWESOME!!! So happy 4 you guys! Love the pic with the 4 boppies stacked up in the corner!!

  7. Yay!!!! So exciting that yall got to bring the two atleast home. Its a whole new ball game now. I'm right down the road if you need me. REALLY!!! Alex doesn't go to work till the afternoon, so I can leave kids with him if you needed me. Oh and did I see that right? Is that a changing table in the living room? Lol. You should see my house, poor Chase, his room is taken over by Chandler and Kailey's toys. And I have all kinds of baby stuff in my living room too. So funny how EVERYTHING changes when babies come in to our lives. Good luck and God bless!!!

  8. Congrats!!!!! How exciting!!! We are so happy for you!

  9. So happy for you all, congratulations!

  10. Can't wait till Kylee & Bro-man make it home too. Our GOD is so good! Love you Heather & Bret :]

  11. Congratulations on having some of the kiddo's home.
    I just started reading your blog. I'm a first time mommy to an 8 week old baby girl. Just wanted to let you know. On the paci's your kiddo's like so much (always the hospital ones LOL!) you can get those on the website listed on the paci...even better they have them in a vanilla scent. My daughter is in LOVE with it. She calms down much quicker with the vanilla scent to it. Even better...they are only 1.25 each when you buy 6 or more :)

  12. How awesome you got to take two home! :) They look so much happier w/out all the tubes in them!
