Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4 little babies 8 big shoes...

Hello all! The babies are all doing great and are now at 37 weeks gestation. Nobody is home yet, but were getting much closer. We anticipated Baxlyn being home by now, but she has some minor reflux issues we are having to deal with. She and Korbin are both taking all 8 feedings by bottle and are neck and neck as to who will be the first one out of there! Kylee is not far behind them, the doctors are going to attempt all 8 bottles on her today also, we will see how she does. Little (BIG) Brody Love will attempt 5 feedings today by bottle. His incisions are healing well and he was able to have his very first tub bath on Friday... he loved it (pictures coming soon)! Other than him taking his time at eating, he's doing great!
Here's a few pics of them wearing their first -still way to big- shoes!

Korbin and Mommy time... sweet baby :)

Last but not least, their weights!

Baxlyn 4lbs 9oz
For a while there she was losing weight daily due to her reflux. The nurses and I agree, more than her reflux it's her demanding attitude and constant high pitch tantrums that's burning her calories away! She will make herself known among others, that's for sure...
Kylee 5lbs 2.8oz (yes the ".8" matters!)
Korbin 5lbs 3.8oz
Brody 5lbs 14.2oz
YAY for BIG babies!!!


  1. I am so happy they are doing this great. We can't wait to see them.

    Mark, Amy, Ashley, & Jessica

  2. What beautiful babies, you are so blessed, may they continue to do well and all come home soon. Love and continued blessings to all, John and Marilyn DiStefano (friends of Nancy and Rich Goff)

  3. Thats awesome Heather!!! God has blessed yall with some cuties!!!

  4. Bret and Heather,
    Thank you so much for posting the pictures of these 4 with you and other hands. It really lets us get an idea of how big they are and how much they have grown. My life group has been praying for you 6 ever since conception. They love hearing updates every week and really love the pictures. We all know that God is in the miracle business and He has shown us miracle after miracle with these precious little ones. Thank you so much for your witness and strong belief in God and His faithfulness when we just believe and pray!!! I have been so blessed to be able to follow this journey with you all and Bethany. I see Jesus all over her and you!
    Cindy Elenburg

  5. remember when we thought their feet were going to be SO big. they were a whole inch & a half long on the sonogram pics!! ... now that they are in the real world their feet are tiny again :]]]

    love love.

  6. AWESOME WEIGHTS! Love the new kicks, they'll outgrown them in no time;) Precious babies!

  7. Amazing Heather! That is wonderful!

  8. Gorgeous photos! It's so lovely to read that everyone is doing so well.

  9. Wonderful weights! My full term baby (almost 27 years ago) was 5-14, so I can relate to their sizes ! They have really blossomed in the last couple of weeks! Thanks for sharing with us !

  10. BIG BABIES!! Such a great thing!! Watch, they will all come home right aroudn the same time (PROMISE< IT HAPPENS :)). Thinking of you guys!

  11. Looks like they were growing fast! Love the shoes!
