Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And then there were 4...

I'm proud to say Brody is home and I now have all of my little "druplets" under one roof... OUR roof! Bret went to work for a few hours yesterday morning and I got myself and the rest of the clan ready for our big day. It was rainy so I hesitated taking them with us to pick Brody up, but I also had been dreaming of the day we would walk out of that hospital as a family... all 6 of us... so rain and all there we went.
Once the babies are released from the nicu they are not allowed back in due to being exposed to the "outside world" so Bret, Baxlyn, Kylee, and Korbin waited in the hallway while I went in for Brody. When I walked through those nicu doors I knew it would be for the last time... at least to see my babies. Our nicu journey was finally coming to an end.
As I approached the front desk several nurses greeted me with huge smiles knowing it was a big day for our family. Needless to say I broke down into tears. Tears of joy knowing we have finally reached the goal set for all families who are on the roller coaster nicu ride and tears of sadness knowing I was leaving a place which I have called home since I was admitted on January 27th.
There were times I wasn't sure if this day would ever come - me walking out with my Brody - and here it finally was. I will NEVER forget it!
Brody ready to hit the road with his "We Love You Brody" picture from the brother and sisters.
Dr. Jain proudly escorting Brody to meet up with the others!
Our Family :)
Bret unfortunately had to go to school after leaving the hospital, so I took the babies home by myself. After a few trips from the car to the house with babies I finally saw what I have been wanting to see for so long, my babies all together... at home.

My Dear Brody,
Welcome home sweet baby, words cannot express how proud your Daddy and I are of you. We love you to pieces and always will. You have taught us both so much... most of all to rely only on God and his power to pull us through the toughest situations. Thank you for staying strong and being the fighter that you are.
We Love You! Mommy & Daddy

Thank You Jesus :]


  1. I have chill bumps from head to toe. Such an awesome post!!! Congrats Cox Family!!

  2. And the title of your post is what I sent via text to all my friends and family the day we found Baby D. It brought back so many memories seeing those words!

  3. This pos just brought many tears to my eyes. I am so proud of you and Bret. You guys are so strong and blessed. I still have tons of stuff for you guys if you need it. I will get in touch with Bret through Jason. I would also love to do dinner for you guys. Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations !!! It was certainly a big day for your family. I am sure that the nurses in the NICU were also very moved that all four babies are now home. I always feel a tear in my eye when the babies that I take care of go home after the so long journey that they had at the NICU.

  5. Praise God!!! Heather like i said before I'm right down the road...Oh and i'm just now learning to cook, so if you need a few ideas, i have a couple.

  6. Mark, Amy, Ashley, JessicaApril 28, 2009 at 5:43 PM

    Oh Heather...I am sitting here with tears oj joy running down my face. I can't imagine the joy you are feeling right now. We are so excited for you guys.

  7. Praise God!!! I am just moved beyond words right now. I'm so proud of you guys! You are going to be amazing parents. I know that you will be sure that these precious babies will know about the God that has given them life and pray that you will guide them in the way that will be pleasing to HIM. Love Sis

  8. WOW. Congratulations guys. What a great day to be a Cox. :) (and Cox extended family member.)

  9. Hallelujah!!! The Cox family complete under one roof ! They are so picturesque in their color coded carriers !! Very happy for you all !

  10. shed one tiny tear.. dang it heather.

    love you!!

  11. God is so amazing! I dont see how anyone would not be able to see that when they see your little miracle babies! I love yall and love them so much!

  12. This is so amazing and wonderful. Congratulations on having your complete family at home. What a special day!

  13. CONGRATULATIONS Heather and Bret!! I am soo happy and excited for you guys! Now the fun begins!! Please let me know if you need anything!!

    Ashley Sears

  14. can i just also say, Brody love has the most awesome hair..

  15. I have been following updates on your family from the day the quads were born. I have said many prayers and wow look at all of them. Im so happy that you have your family all together at home. I cant wait to watch them all grow even more. God Bless you Cox Family. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers.

    Brandy from South Carolina

  16. Praise the Lord!! I've been following your blog for several months now and this is amazing. I've been praying for your family and I'm so excited to hear the great news. I've also added your family to my "Mothers of Multiples Group" in McKinney. I attend the monthly meeting because I'm expecting twin girls in 7 weeks. We would love to have you join our meetings and we are here to help support you. Please let us know if there's anything that we can do for you. The website is www.amamom.org or you can email me (Brandey Wegley)at lilislgrl@cebridge.net for more information. I also have a blog and it's www.dbwegley.blogspot.com. GOD BLESS!

  17. Congratulations to having all four home to cuddle and love! I just discovered your blog...I just wanted to tell you that all four of them are the most beautiful babies! I know it must be tough having four youngins and there will be a lot of work ahead; but as they grow, you will have the most amazing family and they will all be so close. How joyous that will be to see! And how fun is it that you got two of both?! You and your husband must be so proud.

  18. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! "For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations." Psalm 100:5

  19. How cute little blonde man:
    May GOD continue to bless your family!
    Edina from Hungary ( baby blog fan)

  20. hi i'm victoria nelon and i have been praying for the 2 babies in the hospitial and i am a stundent of bethany lopez and she told me!

  21. Bret and Heather...
    I am so incredibly happy for ya'll. I have been following since you were preggo. I can't imagin what ya'll have been through, but I have kept you all in my prayers. I'm so happy that your family is finally all together. So I heard that your Peditrician is Dr. Reyes..GREAT doctor. That is Luke's Doctor as well. We are going to see him Wednesday actually.
    I am so happy for yall. Praise the Lord..For he is SO great!!!

    Phil 4:13

  22. Heather,
    I am so happy for you and ALL of your family. I do truly know that feeling of having number four come home, especially when there were moments you didn't think it would happen. Pleas let me knwo if you need anything or if I can hlep in any way,

  23. And finally from Mom(Grandma). You all know how much I love you. This was such an amazing milestone day for you. Heather you have brought so much joy to our family from the day we brought you home and now this! God is so good!!

  24. I just wanted to say that I miss ya'll. I am so happy that all the babies are home now. Please give them a hug and kiss (everyday) from me. Keep in touch.

  25. So happy for your family! I bet it is nice to just finally have everyone home!

  26. It's so awesome to see them all together again! And your entry made me cry! I can't imagine dealing with having a baby in the NICU, much less four of them! Your faith kept you strong and God was definitely watching over your little angels!

  27. Amazing post...so sweet and remarkable at the same time...I cannot imagine having four at once!!!
