Monday, May 4, 2009

Pictures and a tribute to Robin!

Hello all! So far everything is going smoothly in Baby Land. The babies are all doing well.... just sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating some more (of course with a few hundred diapers in between)! Brody, Kylee, and Korbin had their eye exams last week. Korbin's eyes are right where they need to be (developmentally that is) and Brody and Kylee's are looking good too, they have one more follow up in a few weeks. Baxlyn will have hers checked again on Friday. We will keep you posted!

What's cuter than a sleeping baby...?

...a pile of sleeping babies!
Sleepy Sisters
Brody taking his first nap in his crib.

Baxlyn getting a close look at sleeping Brody.
"So this is the one I sat on in mom's tummy... hmmm"

Left to Right (bottom to top):
Baxlyn, Brody, Kylee & Korbin

From Brody to Robin (his NICU Baby Buddy):
"Hi Robin, the night mom brought this shirt to the NICU was the same night we found out you were not there anymore so I thought I'd show you a pic, hopefully you'll see it. Here I am showing off my "I Love Robin... and she loves me!" shirt mom made. I didn't get a chance to tell you thank you for loving me and being my buddy in the NICU. You would be so proud of me, I'm doing great, as you can see my chin(s) are growing and I weigh over 7lbs now! I will miss you and hope to see you again someday!" - Brodster

Short post for today sorry, I need to go share more love :]


  1. They are so precious! What a blessing from God those babies are! Adorable shirt! So glad things are going well.

  2. if he weighs over 7 pounds...what about the rest of 'em? :o)

  3. They are absolutely adorable!!! What a blessing :)

  4. How cute!! Love them!

  5. These pictures are beautiful! I love seeing all of the babies together!

  6. All of these pics are so darn cute! You are doing an amazing job! Kuddos to you x4!! I sure can't wait to see them and kiss them again. Remember, I am here if you anything. Give them kisses and tell them Auntie Tisha gives her love!

  7. Rob and Kathy GandyMay 5, 2009 at 1:05 AM

    We can't keep our eyes off of your precious babies! We don't write often (since you don't even know us) but want to remind you that your little family is in our prayers. We thank God that all the babies are home now. You all are amazing! God bless you! Your Ada, Oklahoma friends, Rob and Kathy Gandy (don't forget that you can keep up with US on Facebook: 'RobandKathy Gandy'

  8. I Love you Brody! I AM so proud of you. You were the best buddy ever;)

  9. Above is from.....Robin

  10. So cute! It's funny how Brody has such light hair. And I think the girls look a lot alike. ;)
