Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

It's Our First Easter!

The girls in their basket.

The boys in their sports balls.

(they could have stayed there ALL day!)

"Seriously mom... more pictures?"
Korbin Lee

Little Miss Kylee Mae

Baxlyn Hope

(...hoping this photoshoot will be over soon)

Brody Coleman

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..."

1 Peter 1:3

We hope you all have a great Easter!

Bret, Heather, Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin


  1. Such beautiful babies! You are so blessed... and we're so glad they are doing well. Cute photo idea too... the basket pictures are adorable!

  2. These pictures are precious!! I have been following your blog and I am so happy your beautiful babies are doing so well!! Happy Easter!

  3. SO SWEET!!!!! Beautiful beautiful babies!! Happy Easter!

  4. Absolutely adorable! So glad everything is going so well!!

  5. They are adorable!!
    What a blessed Easter you will have, I pray.

  6. That is just adorable! Those pictures are break taking!

  7. Wonderful pictures! I can't get over how cute the boys were in their sports baskets and the girls in their basket! Too cute 4 words!

  8. Praise God! You are amazing! You have totally made my Easter! The kids are looking so healthy and so great! I love the pictures and I cannot wait to see the new ones. Any word on when they are coming home? They look so healthy! What are their weights? Soon they will be home and spending time with mommy and daddy. Positive prayers are working! I will keep you all in my nightly thoughts and prayers! :) Hugs and kisses to all 6 of you!

  9. You don't know me, but I just wanted to let you guys know how your story is impacting more people then you realize. I'm actually a friend of Tammy Stubbs and have been checking your blog ever since Tammy asked for additional prayers. Praise God for those four little ones! Just seeing a new posting (and especially the pictures) is so uplifting. I can't believe you find the time to keep all of us updated!!! God bless and you will all continue to be in our prayers.

  10. ;) Love the ones of the boys in the Easter baskets! These pics were taken on my daughter's b-day. :)
