Thursday, May 21, 2009

Look Out, We've Got a 9 Pounder!

Yes our Linebacker is now at 9lbs triple his weight since birth, go Brody!
We all went this week to Children's to see Brody's neurosurgeon for a check up. He was the only one who was weighed. My guess is the others are between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2lbs, Baxlyn still being slightly the smallest. It was just 2 months ago we were there for Brody's surgery and he had reached the "big" 4 pounds!

Our appointment was at 9:30am so we left the house at 7am, thinking we would get there early enough to feed them... ha were we wrong. We got there right at 9:15 and didn't have time to feed before going in. The babies slept like angels all the way there and what do you think happened right when we walked in the hospital.... yeah that's right. Here we come, as if not drawing enough attention wheeling in a limo of babies, all 4 babies were screaming at the top of their lungs. Bret and I found a spot somewhat away from all others in the waiting room and prayed we had enough time to get a bottle down each of them before they called Brody's name. The timing was perfect, as we finished Korbin, they called our name. From then on, the babies were angelic once again!

We sat in the room waiting for the doctor, I held Brody as he looked over my shoulder out the window and was happy to tell him we didn't have to leave him there, not this time :)

My little miracle, waiting so patiently for the doctor!

Dr. Honeycutt said Brody looked great, therefore we can assume the shunt is either doing it's job or his body is draining and absorbing the fluid like it should on it's own. Our only problem is that Brody prefers to lay on the opposite side of his head from where the shunt is, so his head is slowly being reshaped to conform to the way he lays... not so good. In most cases the baby would be put into a cranial band/helmet for a period of time to reshape the head. His doctor wants at all costs to avoid the helmet not only for obvious comfort reasons, but also the chance that the helmet would put pressure against or around his shunt and cause complications. In the nicu the nurses would rotate him (and the other babies) and make him lay in different positions, including on his shunt. Bret and I try to do the same at home, but as Brody gets stronger, it's harder to force him :/

Our fix? Therapy, right away. We are in the process of setting up therapists through ECI Early Childhood Intervention to meet with and/or to come to our house not only for Brody but all of the babies. ECI specializes in babies at high risk for developmental problems and/or disabilities and strives to help the babies "catch up" to their actual age and reach their potential.

Ever wonder "What's 24 hours like with Quads?"
Here's a slight idea :)

Looks like a lot of bottles, yeah? That's just during the night.

32 Bottles total per day.

40+ diapers a day.

This is why Baxlyn is the smallest, poor thing.
"Yeah, I puked...again... so what?"

Late on a feeding... this is how they thank you.

Mommy, Brody, Kylee & Baxlyn
Multitasking is becoming one of my special mom powers!

Bret trying to get a nap in with Brody.

Are my hands full? Yes. Better Full than Empty.

Am I busy? Yes. Better Busy than Bored.
By the end of the day I am exhausted and as always, thankful to be :)
Until next time! -Heather


  1. Glad to hear Brody is doing so well! YEAH! Looking at the 24hrpics, takes me back! I'm tired all over again.
    Love ya,

  2. It's a bird, it's a plane, no.. it's supermom.

    You amaze me.
    If I can come help babysit, you let me know. I'd love to.
    Your bambinos are beautiful.

  3. hi there,
    just thought i would share a link with you for butterfly pillows. i had twins 13.5 weeks prematurely - one of my sons had hydrocepheles - and we used this pillow religiously - helps with shaping of the head and sidelining. in the nicu we were at - these pillows were used by many. anyways - it might be something you want to check out - there is a section of babies with hydrocepheles or shunts. good luck!

  4. I think that was one of my favorite posts of yours!!
    So glad to hear Brody is doing well! He looks ADORABLE!!!
    ECI is great, we started them around 6 months and still have them for various reasons. You will love them.
    Call me or email me with any questions, cant wait to meet those cuties!!! LOVE YOU!

  5. I can't imagine your life! The days I feel like my life is hard and I'm too busy with my two girls I'll just think of you! ;)
