Monday, June 1, 2009

More from Baby Land!

Yes yes, I know... where have I been? Why haven't I posted anything in over a week? How are the babies? All I can say... sorry! Babies are all doing great, I can't believe it's June and they are already 3 and a half months old... it seems like yesterday I was laying up in my room 13 wishing they would hurry up and get here so I could see their faces. Anyways, I am soo so glad to say we are down to 28 bottles a day YAY! That means a little more sleep for mom and dad! The babies are all sleeping in their cribs and doing well. There's occasional melt downs throughout the night (mostly from the girls I will add), but nothing too horrible.

My Brody Love
Don't let her "Look at me, I'm so sweet and cute" face fool you.... she's the d r a m a !
(Kylee Mae)

I escaped last week with just Kylee and Brody to go see their developmental pediatrician. They were the only ones to go this time due to their higher risk for complications from their brain bleeds. Korbin and Baxlyn will be seen in August. I was a little nervous going alone to the appointment but found out quickly it was a breeze with just 2 babies to lug around! She said they both looked good, a few things to work on, but nothing major. Brody at the appointment was still right at 9lbs and Kylee was 8lbs 1 oz. Baxlyn and Korbin have not been weighed in a while, but I'm guessing Korbin is right around Kylee and Baxlyn still a tad under 8lbs.
Another attempt at a group photo :/
As you can see they are getting more rolls and bigger bellies!
Speaking of photo shoots, we had our first "real" one this weekend! Chuck and Angela with Parrish Photography came out to the house, equipment and all to take our pictures. The babies for the most part cooperated well. It was one long, interesting, very entertaining afternoon and I think we got some great shots! It will be a few weeks before we can share them. Thanks so much Chuck and Angela, can't wait to see them!

Here's a few of Korbin being Korbin!

That's all for today!
Have a great week everyone!


  1. They are so adorable! I have no idea how you did it with 4 at once! OH MY! What a blessing they are. Glad they are doing well.

  2. So freakin cute!!! Hey I wanna come by and see them and alex is off during the mornings so he can watch a kid or two. Is there a morning that you wouldn't mind me coming to visit?

  3. Loved seeing all the babies! They are truly growing like weeds.

  4. I loved catching up with the Cox Quads! They just keep getting bigger and beautiful-er. Loved the sweet kicks they were sportin', too...I remember when you posted pics of them just after they were given to you. Isn't it awesome to be able to start USING everything?! So glad you all are adjusting to having all 4 home. It's hectic but completely worth it. And congrats on the graduation, Bret!

    Love from KS,

  5. I just showed my husband a picture of your adorable babies and said "see how easy our lives are with just one"....his response, well I guess if we made enough money for a nanny it might be okay....

    They are adorable and God bless you!

  6. Lookin good babies!!! Cant wait to love on those kiddos!! I have a total soft spot for Brody!!!

  7. Heather, I think that most of us wonder how you manage to write and post pics at all! We look forward to each update on your sweet babies. They just get cuter all the time. God bless you all and your sweet little ones. Rob andKathy Gandy, Ada, Oklahoma

  8. The sunglasses and the shoes has to be one of the most adorable pictures! Love them all, super cute and growing fast!

  9. Cute cute pics! :) Glad Brody is getting so big! I hope Baxlyn catches up soon!
