Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day

For my first Mother's Day I asked for just one thing. Not diamonds, a shopping spree, a fancy dinner, or bouquet of flowers (although I got that too)... I asked for a nap... a much needed nap... and I got it! Thank you Bret.
This time last year I wondered if I would ever be a mommy, and here I am today blessed beyond words with four beautiful babies.
In the picture below, I like to think the 3 are screaming at the top of their little lungs "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOMMY, WE LOVE YOU!" in their own words. Sweet Korbin was the only one hangin' out contently for the pic, it seems there's always one who gives me a break when all the others are going at it... thanks Babe ;)

Mommy's Little Lemon Drops

We made a surprise visit to Grandma & Aunt Beth's house to deliver cards and flowers!

My Mom, Sis & I with the babies.

Our next stop, a surprise visit to Mamaw's house!
"Happy Mother's Day Mamaw!"

To all of the moms out there, Happy Mother's Day, we hope you had a good one!
God Bless, Heather


  1. Happy Mothers Day Heather. Glad you had a great one!!

  2. The babies look GREAT! Hope you had a wonderful mothers day!!
    And you look awesome by the way!!!

  3. Love it! The babies are getting so big and they are so adorable. You look great - are you sure you had quads in there????

    Happy 1st Mother's Day!

  4. Hi Heather and Bret,
    The kids look so good! Sorry, I haven't made contact I had a really tough couple of weeks. My email address is I would love to come and see your beautiful babies. (especially my bud Brody) I could always babysit sometime what's four could be like the Brady bunch. I'm so glad everyone is home. If you have a couple seconds (haha) email me. Miss you guys and the babes. Love,

  5. What a blessed Mother's Day you must have had! :)
