Monday, June 8, 2009

Sleep Sleep Sleep...

It's all they do lately, you know what that means... grow grow grow! The babies are getting more and more tummy time as their little necks get stronger and they love it! There are many times they sleep from one feeding to the next with an occasional "re-plug" (we stick the passy back in) in between. Below you'll see only a few of the many pics we have of their "Back off I'm sleeping" pose. Anybody else have babies who sleep/slept like this?!

There's something about this particular changing table (below). You lay them down on it and BAM! they're asleep. I find myself at least once a day gently lifting it and slowly setting on the floor while trying not to wake the sleeping baby. Korbin looks twice the size of Brody in this pic but I think it's just the camera angle.
Baxlyn and her brothers

Please ignore Korbin's pink bib. Bret gets mad at me when he sees one of the boys wrapped in pink or wearing a girly bib. But ya know, when you have 4 screaming babies ready to eat you grab whatever is closest. I'll try harder Babe just for you (and the fact that the boys will look back at these pics and not be too happy themselves)!

Here's Korbin (sporting his BLUE bib by the way) with his Uncle Bradley who came to visit. Korbin is Bradley's mini-me. After the babies were first born the girls looked like Bret and Brody clearly his momma... but Korbin we couldn't figure out. Then one day all of a sudden it was like looking in at a tiny version of Bradley!
OK by now you are probably wondering what these animals are hanging out of my babies' mouths. They are called WubbaNubs. It's a beany baby like stuffed animal attached to a passy that is supposed to help the baby hold it in his/her mouth. We swaddle the babies with the animal tucked into the blanket so when the baby loses suction on the passy, it doesn't go too far and they can (sometimes) attempt to re-plug themselves.
My Sweetness...

My Sweetness and his very first explosion... eww! Who did he save it for??? His Aunt Bethany! Bethany and Michelle came over to watch the three while I took Baxlyn for a doctor's visit. Just before I walked out the door, Bethany realized why Brody (who was fussy just moments before) was all of the sudden calm. As you can see through the diaper, up the back, all over the clothes and burp rag... nice! Baxlyn and I waved "Later Bethany.... good luck with that!"

Here's a list of some of the people who emailed in and joined our prayer chain. I said I would post a pic and here it is. It stayed at the NICU with the babies until Brody came home. Thanks again everyone from everywhere!

Until next time!


  1. Wow! Now there's one thing I'd put out of my mind and don't miss. Explosive diapers! As for the sleeping, I could always tell when Adam was about to grow. He'd eat more and sleep ALOT!! Even now at almost 9 years old I can guess when he's about to grow some more. Great pictures of all the babies! I can't wait to see them some time. Kathryn

  2. Our triplets have similar sleeping poses. One of our babies looks like he is always ready to karate chop something. I love the pacifier holders, that is something we struggle with (pacifiers staying in their mouth).

  3. Those sleeping poses are hilarious! The babies are beautiful!

  4. E. Merritt. I know the whole passy thing is soooo frustrating and these do help... a bit anyways. You can search them on yahoo I think we paid like $12.99 each... not too bad for a little sanity!

  5. None of mine slept like that, as a matter of fact only slept that good! I never get tired of viewing your page.


  6. The sleeping poses are too cute! And I think the boys can use pink bibs, to promote a little feminist thinking here :)

  7. It looks as if the babies are praising the Lord in their sleep. They are fearfully and wonderfully made.

  8. Our little ones are always sleeping that way, especially Logan. He has "stop" hands all the time even when he is awake. They are looking as beautiful as ever, love all the pics.

  9. Our kids only slept on their tummy with their bums in the air. They would not sleep in the swing and did not sleep on their side or back.

  10. These pictures are great! My husband and I have been following your blog since we found out we're expecting quads earlier this year. It is always fun to stop in and read how things are going.

  11. Perfectly precious! I love the sleeping poses. My son did that occasionally, my daughter covered her face with her hand, like she couldn't be bothered. THey are truly gorgeous!!!

  12. These are the cutest pictures! Both of my kids sleep with their hands over their heads. I can't imagine that it is very comfortable, but they seem to like it. So glad to see everyone growing my leaps and bounds.

  13. Maybe they sleep that way because they are dreaming of spiking volleyballs??? :) Let us know if you need a sitter... We would love to babysit for you anytime.

  14. Ewww blow out! ;) Love how they sleep with their hands up like that. I can't say that mine did that much. ;)
