Saturday, August 29, 2009

Amy Horton Photography

Amy Horton came out this weekend to take some shots of our family. She is a talented photographer who specializes in outdoor, on location photography. Check out more of her work by clicking here!

Just a heads up, the girls are wearing the cute little red gingham outfits and the boy's their overalls that you have often seen them in. They are some of my favorites therefore we will get/have gotten our use out of them. Last time, I promise :]

Stay tuned... next post cranial helmets and baby food!


  1. They're all so fat and chubby! It makes me smile to see them so healthy! :) Cute pics as always!

  2. They are so chubby. I love it. You look AWESOME for just having 4 babies at once. Way to go momma!

  3. Precious! Love the ones of the babies, but that one of you, the caddy cornered one, you are OH SO STYLIN!!!! Precious pics!!!!

  4. Pretty amazing how healthy they all look ans ARE! Truly a blessing!! You look soo awesome! What is your secret? You know beside. Being a mom of for amazing babies! ;)
