Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mommy & Me

Not much. Just a few pics from our fun day at home together...

No this is not a new smile I am sporting.
I was trying to plan a funny noise at just the right time to make her smile... our timing was off. smiles but she's still beautiful!
Notice this is her first real bow to wear (as in no headband) YAY for new hair!

Unfortunate timing.

Let's try that again...
There it is!

Big Broman not really in the mood today.

Hope everyone had a good Wednesday :]


  1. Heather! They are so darn cute! I was cracking up and then I got to Brody and just grinned even bigger! Adorable!

  2. Brody is not very happy with you right now. Great pictures.

  3. Heather, I love the pictures! Enjoy every single mintue because it flies by way to fast. Sometimes I sit back and look at Arwen and cannot believe she is 27 months. I am constantly asking myself, where did the time go? You are very blessed to be able to spend this wonderful time with them. May God continue to bless you and your family always!

  4. Someday you are going to be even happier that you are taking not just posed pictures, these will really make you laugh as it just did me. I love you so much. This must be California time, it is really 10:17pm!

  5. awww. what a great set of photos.. I love the one of you looking at the spit up.. that cracked me up.. then then one of Brody.. tooooo darn cute..

    Thanks for making me smile!!

  6. HAHA I don't know what was funnier, their expressions or yours! ;) Love the hairbow! :)

  7. The pictures are too precious!!! :)
