Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello Church!

We took the babies to church for the first time yesterday! I was so nervous and excited at the same time. My church is and has always been a HUGE part of my life and not being able to be there on a regular basis since the babies have come home is a total bummer and one of the many sacrifices we have made to help protect them. We got there in time for the 11am feeding and took them in at the end of the service for everyone to see. After church, we allowed the kids to come up to the stage to get a closer look as well, they too had all been waiting to see them. A few of the things I over heard them asking "Why his head flat?" "What's on his leg, does it hurt him?!" (talking about Brody's hemangioma) "They are SOO little!!!" "What do they feeeel like?!". It was neat to see the kids finally seeing these little babies who they had been praying for for so long and had only seen pictures of. I'm glad we got to go and hope to go a few more times before RSV begins.
Bethany with Korb leading the pack ready to squirt people with sanitizer if they come near. Anna with Baxlyn, myself with Broman and Kim with our little puker, Kylee!

Baxlyn, Korbin, Kylee & Brody

Grandma gave them these adorable outfits. The girls had little khaki skirts to match and the boys shorts that all said "His Gem. Created for God's glory" in pink and blue stitches.
The front of the onsies said "His Creation" and the back...
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31"




Don't you just wonder what they're thinking sometimes! Korbin with Daddy.

Our sleepy angels with no halos
Our little family :]

Another special thanks to our church family for supporting us and the never ending prayers for our family. We love you all!
-Bret & Heather


  1. I wish I were there to see them! I'm glad you guys finally were able to take them to church.
    ...and I LOVE the little outfits! SO precious!
    I'm so happy for you!

  2. Nikki: AWWWWW that pic of Korbin with Bret is tooooo cute! They've grown since I've seen them!

  3. So so sweet!!!! Precious lil family! Love the onesies!!! Lova ya!

  4. What great pictures! I love the family pic and the one with the sleepy angels. BEAUTIFUL!

  5. Cute pics! I'm glad y'all made it to church with them. :)

  6. Heather....holy cow, look GREAT!

    It's so good to finally introduce the babies to a group of people who have been praying so hard for them from the beginning. I'm so glad your church got to meet your 4 miracles!

