Sunday, February 28, 2010

1St BiRtHdAy PaRtY!!!

We ended up having a small party for the babies with close family and friends and one of my favorite parts was being out of the house all day long! We packed (what felt like our entire house) up 2 car loads and headed to my sister's for the day and threw our daily schedule out the window! We didn't really go with a "theme" for their party and just stuck with their (what I call) "signature colors". I have always been the one to go ALL OUT on parties from the invitations, to decorations, details, details, details - that's me. For some reason it was different this time, I didn't stress all the small stuff. I kept things simple and it was perfect!

I was asked quite a bit as their birthday was approaching how I was handling it, and to be honest it was VERY difficult at first. I would always tear up thinking about how ridiculously fast they're growing up and how they won't be my little babies much longer. On the other hand I have to keep reminding myself they are here, all of them, and to celebrate their first birthday and making it through the first year is HUGE! Last year I remember telling Bret "if only I knew they would be here a year from now...".

Baxlyn in her first tutu made by Mommy! (btw she HATED it)

Oh I was SO HAPPY with the way the cakes turned out! I knew just what I wanted and headed to the local grocery store... I gave them my specific requests (this baby, that color, this order, blonde fro, pink pig tails etc.) and hoped for the best! The result was better than I had pictured!!!
Love this picture!!

When we put the babies in their table and set 4 cakes in front of them, each with a lit candle, they all started to squirm and whine until we started singing.... they all stopped immediately not moving an inch. All except Kylee that is, this girl has LOVED to dance since she was itty itty bitty - any music and shes-a-movin' and the birthday song is no exception!!

Baxlyn has had some texture issues going on lately and she couldn't stand the icing being on her hands. We gave her a spoon and she was good to go!
Last but not least we have Kylee. Below is sweet, calm Kylee BEFORE cake...
Adorable Kylee DURING cake....
Kylee immediately AFTER cake..... sugar high? I think so!

Thanks so much to all of you who came and a special thanks to Amy Horton with Amy Horton Photography for coming and capturing some great pics!

**Bret and I would like to ask for your prayers. We are taking Kylee tomorrow (Monday March 1st) to have an MRI and an EEG done. It will be a long day of tests and we need prayers that things run smoothly for her and we get good results as well. We will update soon with more details. Thanks Bret & Heather


  1. Congratulations on their 1st Birthday, you are soooo right it goes very fast. But, the older they get the MORE FUN they are. Prayers for tomorrow!!!

  2. Happy Birthday sweet babies! What a blessing it was to be able to have your first birthday party at our house! You are amazing and we love you very much! Aunt Beth, Uncle Darrell and John

  3. Happy birthday!! Kylee dancing was just too funny! Looks like they had such a great day!

  4. So precious!!! I love the Crazy Kid picture!!!! Praying all goes well tomorrow! Love ya bunches!

  5. What a great party! I hope all goes well tomorrow!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!!
    I have been reading your blog since you were still pregnant, and am so happy to see how far your family has come. Congradulations.

  7. How sweet. I love the video where Baxlyn doesn't move at all when you sing to her and Kylee dancing. So precious!

  8. I cried through the whole video of you guys singing "happy birthday"! They are true miracles. Praying for the MRI and EEG today.

  9. Simply PRECIOUS!! Happy 1st birthday :)

  10. So cute! Korbin's hair is getting so long. The cake was adorable. Congratulations to you all. Prayers for all your babies!


  11. What awesome b=day pics! I saw some in the Anna-Melissa paper. :) I absolutely loved how Kylee was dancing along w/ the b-day song. :) Sooo sweet!
