Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Brodster

It still brings me to tears to think about where we were this time last year. I'll never forget living day to day not knowing if Brody was going to make it. Just one year ago we were given the chance to "pull the plug" on him. Of course we never considered that as an option. If God wanted to take him home, he would have. We are thankful everyday that He chose to let us raise this special little boy.

I CAN'T imagine not having this sweet baby (and his laugh!) to wake up to everyday and how different our lives would be without him.


  1. Oh gosh, BRODY!!! Thanks for making me laugh, too!!! ((((((((((hugs))))))))))

  2. O Broman!!! That made my day!!!! I am so thankful that you are here with us today!!! You are truely a miracle baby!! I love you so much!!!

    Your Miss Ashley!!!

  3. I've been reading your blog for a while, but have never commented; however, I had to now because that was the GREATEST video I have ever seen! I literally laughed the entire time. What on earth were you doing to make him laugh so hard???

    You have a beautiful family.


  4. WOW that video is hysterical!! I love that laugh, it's addictive! I started laughing, too. =)

  5. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face!

  6. Yes we do serve an AWESOME GOD!! When anyone listens to this, they can not help but smile or even laugh. Way to make lots of people happy. I love you Brody!!

  7. Marianne, thank you! The "zooom!" you heard was me spinning around and then I danced like a mad woman... oh the things we do to make our babies smile :]

  8. brody! thank you so much for that laugh! you made my day! i was having a case of the "mondays" even though it is thursday, and now i feel much better!! Heather he is so precious i thank God for blessing yall with such a funny guy!

  9. That is a great video. We are truly blessed to have Brody. I love all the babies.

  10. that was awesome I couldn't help but giggle right along with him!

  11. oh wow i laughed out loud right along with him!!! he is such a cutie and a lil blessing God knew that he was meant to be right here with his brother and sisters and mommy and daddy!!! God Bless
