Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A good day to be a Kylee Mae!

Nothing but good news lately for our Kylee! Her EEG (see previous blog) results from last week came back normal and her MRI showed no new damage! They are going to send her to a neurologist and will most likely be doing another (longer, more invasive) EEG as a precaution within the next month or two. She also had a visit with her cardiologist this week who could not hear her VSD, which gives her reason to believe its GONE!!! Whoop Whoop! She will be going back in 6 months to do a follow up sonogram to confirm that it's gone for sure!

We love you Kylee!!!!!!!!!


  1. that is SOOOOOOOOOO great, heather!!!! praise God! and that pic just melts my heart!!!! such a cutie pie!

  2. Woohoo Kylee! So happy for you Heather, I know the waiting is so stressful. Love on those babies for me.

  3. Such a beautiful child! I love you Kylee Mae my sweet little namesake! So happy for these results. Love Grandma Bethel Mae!

  4. You are such a blessing Kylee, from the moment we found out your mommy and daddy were expecting you! We love you so much and thank God for you every day! Love, Aunt Beth, Uncle Darrell and John

  5. Wonderful news! I hope the visit w/ the neurologist goes just as great. :)
