Tuesday, April 13, 2010


At last, we are FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Lockdown is OVER! We had planned on waiting until the beginning of May but with this beautiful weather and the RSV trends dropping dramatically we are now out and about and IT. FEELS. GOOD! I have never been so excited about summertime before in my life. This time of year I am usually dreading the upcoming Texas heat. This year I am looking forward to SO much after being in the house for nearly a year swimming, parks, play dates, swimming, church, vacations, and did I mention I love to swim?!

We are learning quickly getting out with four babies for long periods of time isn't the easiest thing to do. I usually pack enough for our appointment and we are gone for a few hours. Bret and I are now finding ourselves thinking about how our outings are going to affect the babies and the strict (but necessary) schedule they have been on since coming home. "How much milk to we bring? Will there be extra hands to help? We won't have our quad table, how will we feed them? Will the restaurant have 4 highchairs available? Will they be able to nap not at home (no is the answer to that one!)? Do we take the stroller or the choo choo? Is this person's clean, organized, trinket-filled house REALLY ready to welcome 1 year old quads?" The list goes on. We have become so good at knowing the in's and out's and the do's and don'ts and the tricks to making everyday life easier with quads but this..... is a whole new ballgame (for us and the babies) and I hope we can quickly adjust. I find myself saying over and over that I will not let the fact that we have four babies keep us from doing the things we enjoy. It's very different but it's our new normal. I know the days are numbered BUT the babies have yet to make a scene (besides the obvious) at a public place and are still in awe at seeing new people and places. Here are a few pics of a few of our latest outings!
Brody at On The Border

Church in the choo choo

Korbin Lee

My little B

The Grams and the Broman

Last but not least, 2 proud parents and 4 well behaved babies at Pasados!

Hope you are all having a great week! Also - this weekend is our walk for March for Babies. Thank you SO much to those of you who helped us reach our goal! For those of you who may want to contribute or walk with us click here!


  1. Doesn't it feel great! So proud for you! Love the pics!

  2. Glad you're not on lockdown anymore! :) Have fun at the March for Babies walk!

  3. CONGRATS!!! We just got the okay for lockdown to be over, too! It's such an exciting feeling! (((hugs))) super happy for you guys!

  4. Yeah!!! You've done a great job this past year Heather and Bret! We are so looking forward to spending more time with you all. Love, Sis
