Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's kind of a big deal....

To everyone who guessed on the last post, technically, you're right... I did trim Korbin's hair (which I am never allowed to do again), Brody isn't wearing his helmet (yes he still has it, we let him take a break for Easter) but what we were looking for was PAINTED TOENAILS!!!!


With summer coming up, you must have painted toenails! The girls did well while I painted them and didn't seem to know a difference when I was done. Dresses, sandals, bows and now nail polish - gotta love being a girl! I guess for now it's a mommy pleasure but they will catch on eventually (I know I could be starting a bad thing here)!

So glad God decided to throw a few girls into the mix ;)


  1. Oh my gosh, I should have sent my guess - I KNEW it was the painted toenails!!! Glad you had fun making them into girlygirls :)

  2. Fun Fun! Girly girls are SOOOO FUN!!! Love You!

  3. Adorable painted toes girls!! :) I've yet to get my wild child to sit still long enough to paint hers. HAHA! My oldest wasn't this wild for sure! Sorry to bombard you with comments tonight, I was playing catch up from way back in January! HAHA

  4. so cute...I haven't tried it with Sloan yet, but I probably need to get on it! :)
