Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a busy fun-filled Easter that's for sure. Now that we're approaching the end of RSV, we are getting the babies out of the house a little at a time, today was the best - church! They got to play in the nursery with a few other kids and had a blast. After church we headed to Mamaw and Papaw's house for a visit and then off to Aunt Beth's to see more family. Poor babies only got tiny cat naps between stops so I'm praying just maaaaayyybe they'll sleep till noon tomorrow.... ha!

L-R Brody, Korbin, Kylee & Baxlyn

Absolutely blows my mind to think about where we were last year!

The boys (weighing in at about 4lbs) in their Easter baskets last year!

This is about all of Brody we could fit in today! Korbin and his basket this year...Sweet baby girls last year...
and today... Baxlyn
and Kylee.
Hope you all had a blessed Easter!
***Anyone notice anything new in any of these pics?!?***


  1. Kylee's teef!!! And they're huge! The babies, not the teef. Lol love the family shot. Y'all look great! -Nikki

  2. i don't know if it's new or not...but i see painted toenails! i love little painted nails on girls. :D in fact, i was looking at maddie's today wondering how much longer before i can get hers. glad to see you guys had a happy easter.

  3. Brodie is not wearing the helmet

    Korbin had his hair trimmed??

  4. The pictures have dates on them. Brody has no helmet. They have more teeth.

  5. Is the helmet gone for good? Such a beautiful family. I can't believe the girls let you paint their toes, mine are all about eating anything in sight. Love to you all!

  6. brody has no helmet?

  7. what CUUUUUUUUUTE Easter dresses (and duds for the dudes). you look BEAUTIFUL in that blue, girlfriend!!! glad you had a wonderful day---amazing how much happens in a year! the babies look GREAT!

  8. Aw, so fun!!! I noticed the helmet before you even mentioned something was new! Is it gone for good? Love you!

  9. I was going to say Kylee's hair is growing.....

  10. Cute Easter shots. :) Love the ones from last year as a comparison. They sure are growing!!

  11. I just love you guys!! --chaning--
