Friday, August 26, 2011

Catch Up

Yep, been a little distant the past week, I apologize. It's been a busy one but a good one. First let me update you on my cousin Rachel. She has been discharged from the University of Michigan (thank you Jesus!) and has been home now for a few days. They sent her home on oxygen and on several monitors to keep a close watch on her heart and overall condition. Right now she is doing well but they do plan on a surgery in the future for the valve in her heart. Thank you all for the constant texts and emails checking up on her.

I'm proud to say the quads are 100% back to normal after the surgeries they had nearly 3 weeks ago. To all who told me I was crazy for doing them all at once...well I'm not and it worked out just fine! The first few days of being home I did have help here at the house to ensure we kept them hydrated. We were told days 3-5 were hard and then day 10ish would be bad too (that's when the scabs fall off) but to my surprise each day they got better and better and overall they hardly skipped a beat. To you moms out their who may have to face the surgery in the future (and with multiples, at that) do not be afraid! If we can do it, you can!

It's been a week of doctors this week. Monday we went and had our 2 and a half year check up with Dr. Reyes 2 and half years....just crazy. It was just yesterday we brought them in for their first time weighing just a few pounds and this week we were talking about PRESCHOOL! YIKES! Tuesday we went to see Dr. Peiffer (the ENT) for their post-surgery appointment. He said they all look great and were healing well. Brody's tubes are just where they should be AND his hearing test had better results than before the surgery - woop woop!

Wednesday was a special day where Bret and I took Kylee for her annual Scottish Rite appointment in Dallas. I love love love when it's just three of us (any three of us that is), even if it is to go see a group of doctors. The other three stayed with Nana & Aunt Beth and Bret and I spent the first half of our day "spoiling" Kylee...and by spoiling I mean letting her walk instead of ride in a stroller or choo choo, letting her stop and take her time to look at whatever she wanted, letting her push the buttons on the elevator...etc. Things that are way more challenging to do when you have a group of two year olds with you!

Kylee & I by the giant crayons at the entrance!

I told Bret one of these years, we need to take them all to the appointment with us, it's such a neat hospital with all kinds of fun things for kids to do and explore. Here's Kylee looking at the World's Biggest Stained Glass Kaleidoscope!

After walking the halls and stealing the hearts of all those around her, it was time for her appointment. We met with the doctor and several therapists to discuss Kylee's progress with her left side and overall development. They were all very pleased with all she is doing and reassured us she's right on track and doing as well as anyone can having a hemi (hemiplegia cerebral palsy). She's cleared for another year unless the need arises and she needs to be seen again! Below, Kylee taking a ride on Daddy's shoulders as we headed out!

We took advantage of our alone time with our little girl and had lunch too. SO NICE! No unloading and herding 4 littles from the car to the door, no stares, questions or posing for pictures, no waiting while the staff rearranged tables and hunted down high chairs to accommodate us...nothing! Don't get me wrong I enjoy when we all go out together it's just a completely different world when we can give all our attention to one ;)

Next week we get a special date with our Brody :] Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your kids recovered so well from the surgery and that Kylee's appointment went well. I know what you mean about enjoying being out with just one. I feel that way when I take one to the doctor's a treat. And I only have three so I can imagine it is that much more special when you have four!
